Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

Our students thrive

Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"I signed up for Law Preview hoping it would arm me with the tools to be at or slightly above median at Duke. Instead, I finished the year with a 3.89 (#1 in my class) and landed EARLY interviews with EVERY top firm I was interested in. It was a great feeling to be recruited in May after 1L, and to have my pick of firms. Law Preview armed me with tools that put me at a huge advantage coming out of the gates. In particular, Law Preview taught me how to study efficiently — I had time for Netflix, friends, and daily workouts throughout the year because Law Preview taught me how to avoid wasting time. I performed better than people who were smarter and worked harder, and I stayed happy and fit throughout the year. I’m so grateful I signed up for the course, it was definitely a fantastic investment. Now that I am one year into practice at a top tier BigLaw firm, Don continues to be someone I can call on for advice and guidance. Thank you, thank you."
Tanya S. Duke University School of Law, Class of 2019
"There’s nothing better than having a solid organizational structure in place so that you begin law school knowing what you will need to do to achieve your personal goals. That’s what Law Preview provided for me – allowing me to finish in the Top 15% of my class and earning me a spot on the Wisconsin Law Review."
Arie F., University of Wisconsin School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview was a great experience that certainly helped me excel in my first semester. My law school does not rank students but I am thrilled (and surprised!) to report I got an A in two out of my three classes – an honor that only goes to the top 5-10% of the class. Law Preview helped me achieve such success by introducing me to the core, fundamental doctrines and important cases that frequently appeared on my final exams."
Anonymous, Columbia University Law School, Class of 2011
"My school only allows 5% of students in each course to receive an A+, which is about three students for my section. Thanks to Law Preview, I received an A+ in two courses. I was also told my Civil Procedure exam and Torts final paper were best in the class. I’m so grateful to the firm that gave me the scholarship to take the course and would recommend it to any incoming law student."
Sasha B., Northwestern University, Pritzker School of Law, Class of 2024
"I strongly believe my Law Preview experience allowed me to go into law school feeling familiar with the central topics of each doctrinal class. Having this feeling of familiarity, it allowed me to not stress. Not only that, I was able to manage my time extremely well due to the tips we learned during Law Preview. I took on other responsibilities during the first semester, but because I was able to balance them all in addition to school, I was able to finish the semester with Honors in all three of the fall doctrinal classes. Thank you, Law Preview!"
Anonymous, Northeastern University School of Law, 2021
"The most important thing about Law Preview, and this was something Don mentioned in passing in one of the videos, is the preliminary exposure to the material. There is no way to learn all of a doctrinal class in one sitting or even one week. But being exposed to the materials before law school allows them to be more easily understood the second, third, and fourth time your professors say it, you read it, or practice it on an exam. This made the biggest difference because I was already able to connect different lessons from my classes before my classmates which made the big picture easy to understand and outlines easy to create. As a result, I got the third-highest grade in my contracts course and ended with an overall GPA well above median at my school. [3.63 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Duke University School of Law, Class of 2024
"The program helped me understand the challenges that lay ahead. Specifically, it was good to learn how to brief a case… since I did not use this format in undergrad, it was nice to know ahead of time the importance of briefing cases. While my law school does not rank, ultimately, I was satisfied with my grades."
Anonymous, Boston College Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview definitely gave me a heads up on the outlining and legal research part of my school’s curriculum. I am so glad that I attended the legal research and writing day because it helped to cut down on the workload during the semester as I was already somewhat familiar with the process."
Chelsea W., University of Virginia School of Law, Class of 2013
"I can’t tell you how much I appreciated Law Preview. I was only accepted to Albany off the waitlist in early June 2009, and I wasn’t feeling too great about my prospects for success. Now, after having completed my 1L year, I’m proud to report that I ranked #19 out of 250 students. Beyond preparing me for the substantive classes, LP helped me gain confidence and avoid the potholes that challenge every 1L no matter where they go to school. I definitely feel that Law Preview also gave me a leg up on my classmates in a number of ways — whether it was briefing cases or putting together an effective study schedule — Law Preview removed a lot of the trial and error and I entered my first year with a plan of attack and that was without question a major factor in my success."
Joseph B., Albany Law School of Union University, Class of 2012 (transferred to George Washington University Law School)
"Law Preview provided me with invaluable insight and helpful tools for tackling the rigors of 1L. The program gave me a level of confidence which allowed me to hit the ground running as I embarked on my law school experience. There is no doubt in my mind that Law Preview was instrumental in enabling me to finish my 1L year in the top 10% of my class and being invited to join the Law Review. Don, thank you for an outstanding course!"
Paul G., Boston College Law School, 2020
"Law Preview gave me a good grasp on the different fields of law studied during the first year of law school. It also introduced me to famous cases and how to brief them, which gave me a monumental step up over my colleagues. [Ranked 10 out of 160]."
Anonymous, Florida International University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I felt comfortable with the course material and had a good idea about what the semester workload would look like thanks to the Barbri Law Preview."
Christina O., University of Texas Law School, Class of 2022
"As someone who had been out of school for a while, Law Preview really set me up for success in fall of 1L. Having already been introduced to many of the topics we would discuss, I found it was much easier to understand and retain the material as it was introduced. The test taking and time management strategies also helped me minimize the exam stress at the end of the semester that plagued my classmates while still making it on the honor roll!"
Anonymous, Notre Dame Law School, Class of 2023
"Law Preview was helpful in that I found out how law school worked before I got to law school, so that it wasn’t all completely new. Like pretty much all law students, I was overwhelmed when classes started, but I feel like I would have been much more so without Law Preview."
Anonymous, Duke University School of Law, Class of 2013
"I believe Law Preview gave me that path and plan to attack 1L Fall."
Patrick D., Emory University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview made me much more prepared for law school. The specific subject lessons were nice, but it was the overall lessons about preparedness and what to expect that helped me to not be blindsided when I got here. I can definitely say that the program paid off because after my first year I am ranked #15 out of 500 students in my class."
Michael S., University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me the confidence to know that hard work could pay off in law school. During the first semester, law students often hear the cliche, “Study smarter, not harder.” Unfortunately, nobody really tells us what that means. Law Preview gave an actual playbook to success. If a student follows Don’s schedule and stays consistent during their first semester, they will succeed. The first semester of law school will test your abilities as a student both mentally and emotionally. Therefore, gaining the knowledge and confidence to know what success in law school requires makes taking the class worth it."
John C., University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview gave me the tools to succeed from the start. Walking in your first day knowing the material, knowing how to brief, and knowing how to handle the Socratic method is the greatest advantage you could ever give yourself."
Clark D., Campbell University School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview gave me the confidence and the tool set to hit the ground running during the first semester. While other students were falling behind on the readings, not studying smartly, and fearing the inevitable Socratic exchange, I was confidently working (instead of struggling) through the semester. When finals arrived, I knew how to study, what to study, and had a great overall plan to arrive in a good spot at the end of the semester. I’m glad I took Law Preview before beginning my law school career. I would have been lost without it."
Dustin L., Southwestern Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview was an incredible resource that provided me with a real introduction to what law school would be like and what would be covered. I had a better understanding of the material because Law Preview provided a solid foundation for it and as a result, I finished my first semester of law school with excellent grades."
Rosa C., City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Class of 2023
"Practice, practice, and MORE practice. I am four years removed from getting my undergraduate degree. Law Preview immersed me back into the “student mindset” that I needed in order to do my best this semester. You have to be open and willing to learn about yourself in order to effectively use Law Preview. Take heed to the timing suggestions, practice, and outline early. Your grades will reflect the hard-work. Remember, law school is marathon not a sprint. Law Preview gives you that refresh of water between each lap."
Adrieene Brown, University of Florida College of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview provides the most comprehensive, interactive, and entertaining way to prepare for the challenges of law school. As someone with a non-traditional educational background, I was nervous about law school and its high expectations. Thanks to LP’s holistic training, I finished in the top 10% of my class for the fall semester. LP’s charismatic and knowledgeable instructors, all experienced professors, will give you step-by-step approaches to excel in coursework, time management, anxiety reduction, and exam success. They will map out for you how to analyze difficult cases, translate classroom discussions into exam preparation, and most importantly, make you a more articulate legal thinker, which will permeate all your law school endeavors. LP will simulate all elements of law school, so when you start classes, you will feel ready to go. I continually referred to my notes from the LP sessions throughout the fall semester and found comfort in seeing LP’s predictions about law school play out. The benefits of LP continue post-program, as I spoke to Don several times during the semester to fine-tune my study habits and outlining skills. LP gave me clear and concise methods to thrive, and I highly recommend the program!"
Nicholas G., Fordham University School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview completely prepared me for what was to come. It taught me exactly how to study in order to succeed and gave me tips along the way. Nothing came as a surprise, due to my Law Preview experience, which not only helped boost my confidence, but ensured that I was doing everything I needed to do in order to reach my desired outcome."
Laurel F., New York Law School, Class of 2012
"The suggestions were really helpful about how to spend breaks and prepare for midterms and finals. The calendar was really useful to see how to spend my time. It was a good feeling to know walking in to school that I had seen some of the cases before and knew how to brief a case."
Jessica R., Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, Class of 2011
"I was able to get right into briefing cases without having to figure out if I was doing it right or not. I was able to follow along in class because my brief was set up perfectly. Almost all of the cases learned in the class were used during my first semester and it was just a refresher to read them again instead of having to learn them for the first time. Coming into finals week I was more prepared then most other students and I knew exactly what I had to do. [Ranked 20 out of 138.]"
Anonymous, Widener University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I am so glad I did Law Preview because I was pretty prepared when most of the other first year students were very nervous in the first few weeks of the semester. I also adhered to most of the things that were recommended by Law Preview (I followed the calendar schedule of when to start outlining, reviewing my flashcards, etc). [Ranked 14 out of 217]."
Anonymous, Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2012
"Law preview provided me with the right mindset to approach day one of law school. I had an attack plan and knew what pitfalls to avoid because of the Law Preview course! [4.05 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Caliornia Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2023
"As a student with a media arts background, I was apprehensive about starting law school. I tried to read some cases on my own and become familiar with the terms of art in the legal profession, but nothing could prepare me as well as Law Preview did! I completed some of the recommended additional readings, took the on demand course in the weeks before law school, and felt prepared to dive in with my case briefs and confidently answering questions in class. My first semester was abundantly challenging as it was; I would hate to think how difficult it would have been without the foundation I obtained during Law Preview."
Anonymous, Gonzaga University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Dear Don, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your guidance and encouragement last semester. I am proud to report that I received 4 Hs and will be working as a 1L summer associate at [an AmLaw Top 5 firm] in New York this summer. I am so grateful to you and Barbri for helping me achieve these goals!"
Anonymous, Havard Law School, Class of 2024
"I ended up ranked 3rd out of 209 students after my first semester 1L year. I am certain my class standing is due to Barbri’s Law Preview and 1L Mastery Materials. Ask anyone and they will tell you that first semester grades are crucial, and they are right. My grades have opened up so many job opportunities for me, and I could not have done it without Barbri."
Gabi E., University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2022