Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"University of Miami doesn’t rank the 1L class until after the Spring Semester. However, I received a 3.75/4.0, which I was very pleased with. I definitely believe that attending Law Preview had a lot to do with my success. Law Preview taught me that is was necessary to put in more hours than I could have ever imagined. Without knowing that it takes that type of effort to do well I may have never put in the extra time, because I did not see all my peers spending that much time on a day to day basis. At times it did feel as if the tips from Law Preview created another source of stress, because it was hard to keep up with the Law Preview schedule. However, when it was all said and done I have to contribute a large portion of my success to what I learned at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview helped me feel comfortable going into school. I knew the tasks that were ahead of me and how best to handle them. I understood how to brief, how to organize a study schedule, and some of the basic premises of core courses that allowed me to be able to focus my studying and class preparation more efficiently. Furthermore, Law Preview simply provides students with confidence which, especially during the first semester, is lacking because no feedback is received (except in Legal Writing) until January. I do not know my current class rank because my school does not rank after the first semester, but I finished with a 3.69 and Law Preview played a large role in my first semester success."
Raymond G., New York Law School, Class of 2011
"As an international student, it helped me to become acquainted with the methods of learning, taking accurate notes and briefing cases, which proved to be essential to every class I have taken and do obtain great grades. I’m proud to report that after my 1L year I was invited to join the CUNY Law Review."
Nelly O., City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview was great for two reasons. First, the classes were a good way to get my feet wet. There was enough content that I did not feel blind walking into any of my classes, but not so much that I felt I would not remember it. The overview style was perfect because it pierced the veil of the opaquely named Property, Contracts, and Torts. Second, and more importantly, the scheduled approach to the semester and the exam-taking techniques were highly effective. I wasted no time in trying to figure out what my approach would be. My grades were just a validation that it worked and that I should repeat exactly what I did last semester, which was exactly what Law Preview spelled out. I am very grateful that I am not in a position where my approach last semester did not work and I am left trying out another untested approach. This is, of course, thanks to Law Preview."
Thomas G., Washington University School of Law (St. Louis), Class of 2023
"Law preview helped me get ahead of the game. I learned what to expect in the classroom and how to do the readings. This helped me prepare for the unexpected, which is the most stressful part of law school."
Anonymous, Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, Class of 2022
"First, Law Preview basically demystified law school. I know a lot of students who came in and were just spinning their wheels the first month or two. Even worse, they were reverting back to their college mentality of there’s always tomorrow. I knew from the summer that tomorrow was something that you had to be ready for. In fact, I usually prepared for tomorrow’s tomorrow. Law Preview really got me thinking about how to plan and how to prepare for the endgame, exams. Without the focus, I don’t think I would have done as well as I did. Starting from the first day I had a schedule I kept to fairly strictly when I started, but then I let loose a little as I found out what my strengths and weaknesses were (work well in the morning – good to take a break in the afternoon – need some time off before bed). Law Preview helped me sort out the hours and figure out how to make it so that it would be a realistic schedule so I wouldn’t burn out come November. I saw a lot of people do the opposite – skirt the stuff in September/October and then end up way behind with no time to review OR prepare properly for exams. This is a little less of a direct effect, but it also gave me some confidence in terms of being willing to make mistakes. I remember during the summer session I offered an answer to a question posed by the Contracts professor and I was dead wrong (he was nice about it). Although it was somewhat humiliating at the time, the experience prepared me to be willing to accept my errors and learn from them – it was the fact I thought through the question AND could see what was wrong with my logic that mattered more. I’m not afraid to raise my hand in class and offer an answer to a difficult question because it will either affirm my knowledge or help me understand my mistakes. It is far better to blush in class than to panic on the exam or explain to a prospective employer why you received a C in Contracts. I guess you could say Law Preview made me a little bolder."
Christopher L., Suffolk University Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview provided me with a huge advantage over my colleagues. I felt comfortable from day 1 briefing cases and had a lot more familiarity with law school exams as well as the subject matter of the courses."
Katie G., Northern Illinois University College of Law, Class of 2022
"I was often asked during the first few weeks where I’d worked in the law previously. I had literally no legal experience before BarBri Law Preview other than having read a couple of cases, not the ones we’d studied. But the Law Preview course both set me on the right footing for the year and gave me an overview of how the coursework would fit together. Finally, the practice outlining was invaluable."
Peter S., Northwestern University School of Law, 2022
"I was selected to receive the Latham & Watkins Law Preview Scholarship last summer. The scholarship allowed me to participate in Law Preview, which would become my single most effective preparation for law school. Law Preview provided me with resources that helped me achieve success in my academic and career goals. Today, I am one of seven students selected to join Cornell Law School’s first-year clinic. I am also one of Latham & Watkins’ 1L Diversity Scholars. This summer, I will be doing my 1L internship with Latham & Watkins and Facebook. And I know these opportunities will enable me to do things in life that my parents nor I could ever have dreamed of."
Don I, Cornell Law School, Class of 2023
"I am a 1L at UCI Law, I was a student in Law Preview for the online session last year. Guess what? First-semester 1L grades finally posted, and I got a 3.93!!! I really think my time in the Law Preview course was integral to my success. Thanks again for creating such a unique program!"
Patrick R., University of California, Irvine School of Law, Class of 2022
"I was definitely more prepared than my peers when the school year started."
Kristina R., University of Florida College of Law, Class of 2022
"I felt I was definitely more prepared at the beginning of the semester when a lot of people wondered what a case brief was and what IRAC stood for whereas I could focus on the substantive courses because Law Preview taught me how to approach briefing and exam taking. The exam-taking strategies and advice from the professors were especially helpful. It’s like I knew what it took to get an ‘A. Thank you [ranked #15 out of 166 after first semester]."
Anonymous, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview prepared me for what was coming and gave me good strategies for success."
Gabriel M., Charleston School of Law, Class of 2024
"My experience at Law Preview proved to be invaluable as I navigated law school and started my professional career. I received incredible academic support, as well as professional development support. Law Preview definitely prepared me for my 1L year – it helped me excel in the classroom, allowed me to become a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, and, in the end, enabled me to land an amazing 1L BigLaw job!"
Valy M., Columbia Law School, Class of 2022
"Law Preview got me in the mindset to hit the ground running and keep the eye on the big picture."
Anonymous, Fordham University Law School, Class of 2024
"Going in as a 1L who had no lawyers in my family to ask about what to expect, Law Preview was essential to my success. It taught me a lot about the foreign world of law school which made it less scary from Day 1. It also gave me a schedule to follow during finals, which helped organize a pretty hectic time. At the end of 1L, I was super satisfied with my grades and working for a great law firm. In the marathon of law school, a week up really made all the difference."
Brandi D., Brooklyn Law School, 2019
"Law Preview does exactly as it’s name purports: it is a preview of law school. I found that the stimulated class sessions mirrored my actual law school classes. For me, attending Law Preview helped to reduce my anxiety and apprehension of the first week of classes and what to expect. Because many schools do not teach you how to brief cases or compose an outline, I felt at ease while completing my first homework assignments because I had already learned those skills at Law Preview. I highly recommend Law Preview for incoming 1L students."
Anonymous, University of Chicago Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview kept me on course while my classmates seemed confused."
Joshua W., University of Arkansas Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really prepared me for the the rigors of my first semester of law school. Not only was I presented with an excellent overview of the main topics covered during my first year, I was also presented with a realistic view of the workload and what it would truly take to be a successful 1L student. Law Preview really reduced the anxiety I had about law school and I feel that the class enabled me to maintain a cool head during the more stressful points in my fall semester. I attribute much of my successful first semester to this class."
Meredith G., Seton Hall University School of Law, Class of 2021
"It gave me an advantage in preparing for the rigors of law school. Getting practice briefing cases and more importantly reading cases helped me pick out the pertinent rules and reasoning that we were tested on at the conclusion of our classes. . . . The school lists 5% increments for rank and I fell between the 15% and 20%, qualifying for the Dean’s list with a 3.5 GPA."
Anonymous, DePaul University College of Law, Class of 2012
"The Chicago Law Preview course prepared me how to study right and stay on track during my first year. Finishing my 1L year in the top 10% of my class was something I could not have done without working hard and following the guidelines given to me in the Law Preview course. Now, going into my 2L year, I have a foundation of great grades and am confident I will be able to get the job I want after graduation."
Chris E., Michigan State University Detroit College of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me an edge in class when we would discuss the same topics and cases that I had reviewed this summer. This was especially so in property when we went over estates. Law Preview also helped me keep on track with the task calendars. I wrapped up the fall semester with a 3.82 GPA and top 7% in my class."
Anonymous, Florida State University College of Law, 2021
"I am so glad I did Law Preview because I was pretty prepared when most of the other first year students were very nervous in the first few weeks of the semester. I also adhered to most of the things that were recommended by Law Preview (I followed the calendar schedule of when to start outlining, reviewing my flashcards, etc). [Ranked 14 out of 217]."
Anonymous, Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2012
"Great experience with Law Preview. Support material (online videos) after the course and continual study tips helped reinforce the material taught in the classroom. Highly recommend. Felt prepared for class discussions and received A-s in the two courses that were introduced in-depth at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law
"It certainly worked well for my GPA! [3.72 GPA after the first semester]"
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, 2023
"Without Law Preview, I would have had no clue what to expect from my first semester. Instead, I felt a step ahead of all the other students. I had a plan of action to attack all the work, and I knew what the professors were looking for in classes. The price paid for Law Preview paid off. I ended up in the top ten percent of my class after the first semester with A’s in three out of my five classes."
Anonymous, University of Kansas School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me the techniques that have allowed me to be successful my first year."
Anonymous, SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2021
"Thanks to Law Preview, I started 1L year with an effective study schedule and knew how to prepare for class and final exams. In the end, it paid off and I finished in the top 5% of my class."
Megan S., University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview taught me to engage the law in the text, rather than just sorting through it to find answers for the Socratic method. Overall I enjoyed and benefited from your program–all of the advice was spot on."
Anonymous, University of Cincinnati College of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me an edge my first semester of law school that I would not have had otherwise."
Michael R., Villanova University School of Law, Class of 2011