Online Exam Taking Strategies

Law school exams are graded on a curve and most students walk into each test having studied the same black-letter rules. What distinguishes top students from the rest of the class is their ability to effectively communicate their mastery of the law.

Drafting an organized, well-analyzed answer on a law school essay examination is more of a science than an art. The students who score the most points are those who employ a methodical – almost mechanical – approach to analyzing hypothetical fact patterns.

Morrison Foerster has agreed to sponsor students at select law schools to enjoy free access to our self-paced Online Exam-Taking Strategies Workshop, included in BARBRI 1L Mastery Pro.

The Exam-Taking Strategies workshop helps you:

  • Effectively manage your time during 1L exams
  • Dissect exam fact patterns and questions
  • Identify and frame relevant disputes and issues
  • Apply our unique essay-writing methodology
  • Draft an A+ Answer
  • Conquer multiple-choice and short answer questions

By filling out the form below, you will get free access to 1L Mastery Pro which includes the Online Exam-Taking Strategies workshop.

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