University of Iowa College of Law
130 Byington Rd, Iowa City, IA 52242
Law Preview Course Scholarship
Students who plan to attend University of Iowa College of Law can apply for a full scholarship to attend BARBRI Law Preview so they can learn from the nation’s leading law school professors and attorney lecturers what to expect and how to succeed in law school.
To be eligible for a Law Preview Course Scholarship, the applicant must be enrolled to begin law school in the fall.
If you plan to attend University of Iowa College of Law and meet the scholarship criteria, complete the online application before the scholarship deadline. A selection panel will evaluate all completed applications, and scholarship recipients will be notified on or about June 30, 2024.
** PLEASE NOTE: Students who enroll in Law Preview on their own to reserve a seat will be refunded in full if they ultimately receive a scholarship.**
What Our Students Say...
"Law Preview gave me an excellent base to build upon throughout the year. I believe I had somewhat of a head start on my classmates in terms of familiarity with the main subject material. Although I did not always brief my cases or strictly adhere to the study suggestions, I did use Law Preview’s methods to outline and prepare for and write exams. Law Preview was certainly a beneficial experience [rank #1 out of 211]."
- Anonymous, Univ. of Iowa College of Law, Class of 2010