Paul Weiss

Our objectives are, by pooling our energies, talents and resources, to achieve the highest order of excellence in the practice of the art, the science and the profession of the law; through such practice to earn a living and to derive the stimulation and pleasure of worthwhile adventure; and in all things to govern ourselves as members of a free democratic society with responsibilities both to our profession and our country.
We are sensitive to the fact that we practice in New York City, which is a pluralistic community and the major international and financial center of the Western world.
We believe in maintaining, by affirmative efforts, a membership of partners and associates reflecting a wide variety of religious, political, ethnic and social backgrounds, characteristic of that community. We believe that through this policy we may bring to the service of our clients greater breadth of understanding and wider contacts with the world at large, while enriching our personal lives and demonstrating the value of democratic principles as applied to the organization of a law firm.
We are committed also to democratic principles in the government of the firm’s affairs, including admissions to its ranks, and we seek by various measures to bring partners and associates together in a close relationship, in an informal atmosphere conducive both to efficiency and friendship.
We encourage participation in professional and community affairs and, while always placing the needs of clients above private convenience, we seek to observe reasonable schedules of work which will make that participation possible, at the same time preserving a healthy family life.
We refuse to be deterred by the unpopularity of a client or his cause from accepting a matter which justice and professional responsibility prompt us to take.
We prize highly among our partners and associates these among other qualities: inventiveness and the cultivation of the growing tips of the law in all its branches; imagination coupled with a strong sense of the practical; a selfless and wholehearted dedication to the best interests of clients; unflagging efforts to get their work done promptly, and with care and perfection of craftsmanship; readiness at all times to help others in these endeavors, whenever help is needed; and, most of all, integrity.
Finally, we are committed to achieving our objectives without wearing any client’s collar or any political party’s livery. And we believe that in the pursuit of these ends we can maintain a law firm in which all who are associated with it may justly take pride.