“Here is a quick update from my first semester. I got my grades back, and they turned out really well! I fortunately got all Honors and Dean’s Scholar grades (school-specific grading system that translates to 4.0+). I think it was in no small part due to the headstart I got with attending Law Preview. The tip to start outlining really early on saved me because I had to travel a bit for a wedding abroad during study period, but I was already on top of it thanks to that great advice. It was amazing how many times throughout the semester I had already read the cases discussed in class during Law Preview. I only wish that I could go back and sit in on the corresponding classes for this semester fresh now. Also, the 1L Mastery videos on topics like Conspiracy in CrimLaw or Personal Jurisdiction in CivPro really helped clarify concepts that could be boiled down simply but are often taught in complicated ways. Anyway, I am hoping to replicate the success of last semester now, so wish me luck!”