David A., Harvard Law School

“I filled out the [course] evaluation fairly completely. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my answers. One thing might be a bit misleading; my answer to your question ‘Did Law Preview meet your expectations?’. The best answer available was ‘Yes. completely’ which I selected. In reality, Law Preview exceeded my expectations. My expectation was that Law Preview would give me an overview of each 1st-year law class so I will be able to absorb each case knowing where the endpoint will be. While it certainly did that, I did not expect it to be so entertaining. The faculty last week were all extraordinary teachers. Several could have been stand up comedians… So, while there was no place to put it on the evaluation, Law Preview did more than just meet my expectations. My only complaint is that I am going to spend the next nine months frustrated, since I know what great teaching is. Thanks for a great week.”