“The Law Preview course was one of the most helpful resources I could have asked for in starting this journey. As I took Law Preview over the summer, I thought the content was very helpful in introducing me to law school culture, managing my expectations of timing and capacity, and encouraging me to complete all outstanding to-dos prior to starting. However, I had assumed my Orientation at UChicago would be somewhat duplicative to the course. I was surprised and subsequently so grateful when I realized Law Preview’s orientation was eons ahead of that UChicago’s orientation and was on an entirely different playing field. I’m on Week 4 of classes and I could not say enough how much Law Preview has been a game changer. I am briefing all my cases, using the strict schedule to ensure I feel balanced, and continuing to rely on BARBRI resources to supplement outlining and class prep. Somehow, I’m also finding time to connect with professors during and outside office hours, utilize university resources and attempt virtual networking with classmates. I was prepared to walk into law school feeling a little like I was punching above my weight, but Law Preview has left me feeling empowered and like I have a leg up on most of my classmates.”