Matt R., Boston College Law School (transferred to New York University School of Law)

“I’m sorry that I have not responded to any of your surveys/emails. I was selfishly scanning them for the helpful tips/faq’s and not taking the time to fill them out. I am particularly sorry because of how great of an experience Law Preview was for me. To be honest, I was at first skeptical about spending the money on a preparatory program, but my parents/girlfriend convinced me it was the right idea. I attended Boston College and finished well within the top 10% of my 1L class. I had a great time in school and made some really good connections with my peers/professors. In addition, I wrote onto the Law Review. This past summer, I applied to transfer to NYU, partially in order to be closer to my fiance who is attending NYU social work school. I was accepted on August 8th, and have been in the midst of interviews since then. I have recently received callback interviews at a dozen firms and wrote on to an NYU journal as well. I can’t help but think your course helped make a lot of these opportunities possible. Thank you so much, and again, sorry for the lack of communication.”

Matt R., Boston College Law School (transferred to New York University School of Law)