“As I have just gotten back my last grade from my fall exams, I wanted to share with you my deep appreciation for Law Preview. I succeeded this past semester even more then I could have ever imagined: A+ in Torts, A in Crim, A+ on my Property midterm, A+ on my Civ Pro midterm, and an A on both my Legal Writing memos. I remember you mentioned in one of the sessions that we should reach out to you halfway through the year with success stories, so I wanted to do that and to say a HUGE thank you to you and to this awesome program you’ve put together! I can confidently say that I would not have been in this position without seeing the forest through Law Preview. It was such a helpful tool for me that I know put me several steps ahead of my classmates. So thank you so much, and I only hope to continue my success this upcoming semester as well!”