Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"You owe it to yourself to protect your $100-200K investment in law school by taking Law Preview. Law Preview taught me how to study and take exams successfully, how to budget my time effectively, as well as a general overview of my core IL courses. More than anything, Law Preview gave me the confidence to know what to expect in law school the very first day I started. I finished my first year of law school near the top of my class, which allowed me to earn much-needed scholarship money as well as several summer associate offers from BigLaw firms. I truly believe Law Preview was a big part of my success during the first-year and I would recommend it to anyone going to any law school."
Omar O., University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really helped me to understand how to take notes in class and study for finals, which was very different from my undergraduate study methods. As a first-generation student, I had no idea how law school worked or what kinds of things I should get involved in, so Law Preview was immensely helpful."
Anonymous, Yale Law School, Class of 2023
"I did not come straight from undergrad. I spent the past 5.5 years as an Army Officer. Although school was a major adjustment, Law Preview’s introduction to the subject matter and tips for success were instrumental for me in developing a structure and study plan that led to success."
Patrick C., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2021
"I felt that it prepared me to know what was coming at me in the fall semester. I had a good understanding of the timelines and the dates that I needed to schedule for myself in order to be successful in my first semester."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2021
"If it wasn’t for Law Preview my first semester would have been disastrous. It was a bear, but because of Law Preview, I was able to feel comfortable in the knowledge that I was prepared. And it worked! My first semester ended with a 3.80 GPA."
Ameena L., Mitchell-Hamline School of Law, Class of 2024
"Helped level expectations and prepare for the worst. It was challenging and law preview helped provide a basis for getting through it successfully."
Alyssa A., Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Class of 2024
"Provided a honest assessment of the work required to succeed. Made it easier to acclimate to law school. Calendar helped provide structure. Learned how to read and brief quicker. Courses were more familiar and easier to understand."
Paul T., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"The Barbri 1L preview made me comfortable with the subject matter that I would encounter during my 1L year. The Legal Writing workshop directly contributed to my final grade in the actual course. The most useful aspect of the course was the study aids that were available, which gave me additional support through the semester."
Tracey B., Widener University School of Law, Class of 2022
"As an international student, it helped me to become acquainted with the methods of learning, taking accurate notes and briefing cases, which proved to be essential to every class I have taken and do obtain great grades. I’m proud to report that after my 1L year I was invited to join the CUNY Law Review."
Nelly O., City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Class of 2022
"I thank Law Preview for setting me up for success! It gave me the perfect preview for what my schedule would be, in terms of reading, briefing, etc. for the semester and prepared me to my best! I went in knowing how to brief which was my greatest asset! I ranked number 7 out of my class of 271 with a 3.93 GPA and made Dean’s List. None of that would have been possible without my week of Law Preview!"
Anonymous, UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 2022
"Without Law Preview, I would have had no clue what to expect from my first semester. Instead, I felt a step ahead of all the other students. I had a plan of action to attack all the work, and I knew what the professors were looking for in classes. The price paid for Law Preview paid off. I ended up in the top ten percent of my class after the first semester with A’s in three out of my five classes."
Anonymous, University of Kansas School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview helped introduce me to the subjects that I later encountered during my 1L Fall. The transition to law school was much easier because I had that early exposure to the material."
Anonymous, Yale Law School, Class of 2022
"Hi Don – I hope you are well and apologies that we haven’t touched base in so long! You may remember giving me quite an impactful pep talk before I began my 1L year at Stanford last year; you also put me in touch with Daniel K., who has since become a friend of mine (and my “boss” on Stanford Law Review, actually!). With your and Law Preview’s help, I had a pretty strong year! More Hs than Ps on my transcript, and a job offer with Latham & Watkins DC for next summer."
Anonymous, Stanford Law School, Class of 2023
"Perfect score on my Criminal Law midterm, 4th highest grade on Contracts final, second highest grade on my torts midterm, other grades not yet released."
Shreya S., Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped give me a solid foundation for my first semester of law school. I felt prepared for not only how to take notes in class, but also how to create solid and comprehensive case briefs and outlines. Additionally, the suggested (and doable) daily/weekly schedule really helped me stay on top of my work and not feel completely overwhelmed by the course load. Overall, Law Preview helped me feel confident and in control of my first semester of law school!"
Anonymous, Suffolk University School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview gave me confidence and eliminated many of my pre-law school anxiety, exposed me to several cases we studied, and gave me an overview of subjects that allowed me to start with a big picture understanding. [Ranked 6 out of 223]."
Anonymous, Oklahoma City University School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me an idea of how fast paced classes and school in general were going to be. Once you fall behind in the readings you just cannot catch up. I took a lot of notes while in Law Preview (pages upon pages upon pages). I wrote down stuff that didn’t even make any sense at the time. And before all of my finals I went back and read through that stuff. It certainly helped."
Anonymous, SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2011
"Going in as a 1L who had no lawyers in my family to ask about what to expect, Law Preview was essential to my success. It taught me a lot about the foreign world of law school which made it less scary from Day 1. It also gave me a schedule to follow during finals, which helped organize a pretty hectic time. At the end of 1L, I was super satisfied with my grades and working for a great law firm. In the marathon of law school, a week up really made all the difference."
Brandi D., Brooklyn Law School, 2019
"Felt much more comfortable about what was going to be coming at me than I would have been otherwise."
Anonymous, New England School of Law, Class of 2022
"First, a note about my rank: University of Michigan does not rank its students. I do know, however, that our classes are curved around a mean of 3.19, which means that 50% of students get higher than that GPA overall. Also, I’ve heard that a 3.4 represents the lower limit of the 25th percentile. After my first year at UM Law, I have a 3.75 GPA. I went in with an LSAT that put me in the lowest quartile, and now I have a GPA that puts me maybe in the top 10% of the class! At the beginning of the year, my goal was to get a 3.2, and I have exceeded that by far. I believe that part of the reason for my success was indeed the Law Preview program. By taking Law Preview, I was able to get a solid base for all the substantive material that I was to learn in class. In at least every one of my first year courses, I read cases that I read in Law Preview. For example, in Torts during my first semester at law school, I think the first 3 cases we read I had read in Law Preview. That gave me a huge advantage in class because while doing my reading, I knew what to look for and what nuances were important. Also, I was able to participate confidently in those classes. Also, procedurally, Law Preview helped me tremendously. I knew how to brief cases before the first day of class so when I was engaging in my reading, I could really focus on the material. My classmates at this time were still struggling with their cases briefs. Also, I closely followed the suggested schedule that Law Preview gave us and kicked into high gear at the appropriate moments. I was able to finish my outlines by the last day of class and was able to use our entire study period brushing up on material, using my study aids, and taking practice tests. Again, at this time my classmates were barely finishing their outlines and maybe taking one practice test. I believe both the substantive and procedural information I learned from Law Preview was monumental to my success in my first year of law school and enabled me to achieve much more than I had expected. Thank you!"
Anonymous, University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview provided me with the confidence and routine necessary to succeed my first semester of law school. Prior to the first day of class, I was able to have set in place a reading and study schedule that kept me on top of my assignments. This allowed me to ensure I was learning the material over time and not waiting until the end of the semester to see if I had retained it along the way. Now, I find myself in a great position while applying for summer employment and have received interviews from my top firms."
Reaghan W., University of North Carolina School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview provided a good insight into the law school experience before I actually started which calmed all my anxieties by having an idea of what to expect. The knowledge of the subject matter discussed in Law Preview also came in handy when it came up during the lectures which made it seem more like a revision as it was familiar, especially in areas like Torts and Contracts."
Farari M., Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Class of 2024
"Helped me understand what i was in for, what was expected of me, how to best outline and when to start in the semester so I got it done early. [3.68 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Yeshiva University, Class of 2023
"By the time I got into classes I already knew how to read an analyze cases. I also knew the basic concepts so I was able to get up to speed about the intricacies introduced in class much faster. Other people struggled with the more complicated concepts, but I had already gone over them once in Law Preview and the second time just helped my clarify my understanding. Learning to brief the cases before starting was helpful because I did not need to spend an inordinate amount of time on each case. I knew what I needed to extract from the cases and had a template in which to place the information. Law preview helps you hit the ground running in your first year."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2011
"The best thing I got out of Law Preview was the practical advice. Part of being successful in any situation is strategy – learning how to maneuver within the circumstances. Law Preview was a great strategy resource. Law School is a foreign world, and knowing what to expect before you ever get there is a huge asset. Most people are totally baffled and have no idea what to do, but I felt a little more confident and had a game plan when I went in. I also really appreciated having some idea of how to approach my exams during the first semester. I got A’s in all my substantive classes, including the high grade in Contracts that was 15% above the second highest score. Thanks for everything! [Ranked #5 out of 266 after first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2013
"I will forever be thankful to Law Preview for my first year of law school success. I was prepared and calm the first day of school. I followed the calendar, posted the checklist in my room and just went from there. I was in the top 5% after the first semester and in the top 2% after the full year. I don’t think I would have this much success without Law Preview. I especially enjoyed the emails throughout the year that I received from Don…they kept me motivated and on the right track. Thank you so much Law Preview!"
Kamilla M., Florida Coastal School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview took away the learning curve of the first few weeks of law school. When other classmates were struggling to adjust to learning via cases and figuring out what details in a case were important to the class itself, I had already gained these skills through my week of Law Preview. Law school doesn’t teach you how to learn the material, but Law Preview did."
Lewis S., Drexel University School of Law, 2021
"I think Law Preview prepared me for what law school would look and feel like. The interactive mock classes with professors gave me a baseline foundation of terms and information, but the setting allowed me to ascertain what being in a law classroom would be like."
Lexi W., University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped me feel confident in class, and sure that I knew what I was in for. I do not think I could have achieved an A+ in my contracts class without the help of law preview. Because I knew how to prepare and study for law school before I arrived I was well prepared to take the final that was 100% of my grade."
Anonyomous, University of New Hampshire School of Law, 2022
"Law Preview kept me on course while my classmates seemed confused."
Joshua W., University of Arkansas Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law, Class of 2011