Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"Law Preview helped decrease the nerousness about starting law school because it gave me a good idea of what to expect and how to cope with certain pressures inherent to it."
Anonymous, University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview prepared me for what I should expect with law school in regards to course load, outlining, type of people that will surround you, and how professors teach. ‘Law school’ sounds intimidating, but like with anything you do in life, to be successful you must prepare yourself. Law Preview is almost necessary, because why would you put your heart into something for three years, and not use a source like Law Preview to put you a step ahead of your peers? Law Preview should be considered an essential step to the Law School process if you want to be ahead of the competition, or help with the stress that comes with law school."
Ryan B., University of Baltimore School of Law, Class of 2013
"I felt as best prepared as I possibly could have been for my first year. I knew what I needed to do to be successful and feel proud of my performance and efforts. It was helpful starting law school with an idea of how to read cases and knowing I needed to outline my courses well before exams. My school does not have rankings, but I know I am towards the top of my class."
Anonymous, CCity University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Class of 2013
"After a personal crisis during the middle of finals, my grades still came back the way I wanted them to because Law Preview had me studying throughout the semester, so I already had the knowledge I needed, and the loss of some study time did not cripple me."
Anonymous, Dickinson School of Law , Class of 2022
"As I have just gotten back my last grade from my fall exams, I wanted to share with you my deep appreciation for Law Preview. I succeeded this past semester even more then I could have ever imagined: A+ in Torts, A in Crim, A+ on my Property midterm, A+ on my Civ Pro midterm, and an A on both my Legal Writing memos. I remember you mentioned in one of the sessions that we should reach out to you halfway through the year with success stories, so I wanted to do that and to say a HUGE thank you to you and to this awesome program you’ve put together! I can confidently say that I would not have been in this position without seeing the forest through Law Preview. It was such a helpful tool for me that I know put me several steps ahead of my classmates. So thank you so much, and I only hope to continue my success this upcoming semester as well!"
Tal E., Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Class of 2022
"Law Preview gave me a good grasp on the different fields of law studied during the first year of law school. It also introduced me to famous cases and how to brief them, which gave me a monumental step up over my colleagues. [Ranked 10 out of 160]."
Anonymous, Florida International University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I wanted to follow up with you about a phone conversation we had a few months ago about my transfer options from Michigan State Law. I’ve been accepted at Tulane and William and Mary, and waitlisted at Georgetown–my final GPA from 1L was 3.8. I’m leaning toward William and Mary, and I wanted to thank you for the invaluable advice and confidence you gave me. I hardly anticipated the personal attention I received, but I am very grateful for it! Please feel free to include this as a testimonial in any of your company’s promotional materials: Law Preview rocks!"
Anonymous, Michigan State University Detroit College of Law, Class of 2013 (transferred to William & Mary Law School)
"Law Preview taught me the habits that I used to succeed during my first semester of law school. Had it not been for the class, I would not have understood the importance of briefing cases, integrating my notes from class with my initial notes, and outlining, and how these practices impact performance on the final exam. Because I knew how imperative it was to discipline myself into practicing these strategies on a daily basis, I was able to stick to an efficient schedule that ultimately produced successful results."
Monica C. Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2021
"Law Preview played an important part in preparing me for my first year of law school. Every Professor and instructor at Law Preview provided insights on the little things that law students should do in order to succeed. Additionally, each Law Preview professor instilled confidence and gave me reassurance that I was doing the right things in order to be prepared come exam time. Law Preview is not just a one week course, but a program that helps each of its students get through their entire first year. With all the tools Law Preview provided, I was able to not only learn the complex material more easily, but also found time to enjoy my first year. No doubt, Law Preview gave me the information and confidence to enter law school knowing I would succeed. [Ranked top 1%-15% after 1L year]."
Anonymous, George Washington University Law School, Class of 2013
"I think it helped me be better prepared for my classes and how to study for finals."
Anonymous, University of Southern California Law School, Class of 2022
"The course greatly exceeded my expectations! It provided in-depth exposure to every aspect of being a top law student as well as a general overview of each 1L course with access to office hours with the professors where we explored more nuanced topics. The course enabled me to develop valuable skills such as reading cases, drafting case briefs, forming outlines, and we even took a practice exam. The program also connected me with a support network within the Law Preview program and granted me free access to core study aids by Wolters Kluwer and Barbri that were of enormous use for my Contacts and Property courses. As a first generation college student and legal professional, this was instrumental in offsetting the additional challenges introduced through a fully remote first semester of law school and in allowing me to shine in my classes."
Jessica D., University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2023
"It was great. Definitely helped first semester. But it’s a two part game. I’ll let you know how this all went after second semester."
Anonymous, University of Maine School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview prepared me to hit the ground running on Day 1 of law school and score in the top 10% of my class for the first semester. I am thankful that my school secured vouchers for 1L students, and I think every school should do the same."
Patrick R., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview impacted my study schedule and the daily hours I committed to each day – this was the biggest impact. I understood the dedication I needed to give and held myself to that high standard. Additionally, my GPA was the highest I ever achieved in a single undergrad semester, I attribute this to Law Preview’s frank and direct teaching on how to dedicate myself to achieve success."
Mary M., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview really helped ease the transition into law school. Less confusion. I felt like a 2L compared to several of my fellow students."
Francis M., Boston College Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview gave me confidence and eliminated many of my pre-law school anxiety, exposed me to several cases we studied, and gave me an overview of subjects that allowed me to start with a big picture understanding. [Ranked 6 out of 223]."
Anonymous, Oklahoma City University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I’m not sure what my rank is. My school only ranks 1Ls at the end of the academic year. My grades after first semester were: A in Contracts, A in Crim Law and A- in Torts. The top 10% gets A’s and the next 15% get A-‘s. . . . I am very happy that I attended Law Preview for the following reasons: practice reading and briefing cases; having some briefs already written at the beginning of law school; knowing what some of the seminal cases are about in each subject area; getting it beaten into my head that I need to actually brief all the cases (which I did); doing the reading two days ahead so I never got behind, even if something came up; learning about reporter names, how to tell where a case is from, research strategies; having the confidence at the beginning of the semester that I knew what I was doing . . . Being in Law Preview was really exciting because it confirmed for me that I find the law interesting and that law school was the right decision for me. Also, having confidence at the beginning of the semester is a huge advantage. Even if by the end of the semester it seemed like everyone else was comfortable with the material, etc., I still think I benefited by being calmer/more confident right from the beginning."
Anonymous, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Class of 2011
"I came in feeling comfident in my ability to brief cases and Barbri taught me how to read cases. The learning curve was still very steep, but I went in feeling like I had already dipped my toes in over the summer before plunging in head first. Many of the cases we covered in Barbri were also covered in my class, which was very helpful too."
Anonymous, University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2022
"Before starting law school I had no idea what a case brief was or what to expect in law school. After taking the Law Preview course all of my anxieties were gone and I was confident that I could excel in law school. The recommended reading and outlining schedule helped me organize my time (which is one of the hardest things to master during your 1L year) and the e-mail reminders throughout the year gave me the guidance I needed to put my best foot forward in law school. Furthermore, the hornbooks I received from the program helped me master my 1L classes. My high grades from 1L year were undoubtedly influenced by my experience in the Law Preview course and I would definitely recommend that prospective law students take this course."
Camilla G., University of Pennsylvania Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview provided me with the tools needed for a successful 1L experience beginning with the live stream course followed by helpful advice throughout the semester."
Letrecia N., University of Georgia School of Law, Class of 2022
"As a first-generation law student, I had no idea what to expect from law school. I knew about cold calling and I knew vaguely that classes would be competitive. However, I did not know what exams were like, what day-to-day classes and studying would look like, how I should structure my semester, what classes would be taught, or what mattered for my resume (i.e. Journal). Law Preview taught me everything I needed and more to feel comfortable starting law school and not like a fish out of water. Had I not taken Law Preview, I would have felt incredibly uncomfortable starting school, hearing others talk about briefing cases and outlines for classes and Law Review. It was all a foreign language to me, before. At the end of my 1L year I earned Dean’s List Honors and was invited to serve on the Law Review. The biggest asset you can have going into 1L year is confidence and a sense of comfort. Law Preview gave me exactly that."
Summer Z., Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Class of 2022
"It’s pretty unbelievable to me that a year ago right now, I was getting ready to begin Law Preview. It’s been a long, hard year, but a successful one. I finished out the year on Dean’s List, and in the top 10% of my class at Fordham University School of Law! Not bad for someone who graduated from college five years ago with a degree in acting, and hadn’t read more than a magazine since then. There were times over this past year that I would be in class, and would have a deep sense of deja vu, or I would somehow just instinctively know what the professor was asking or how to look at the issue. Of course, I realized pretty quickly that it wasn’t actually deja vu or amazing natural legal ability on my part; so much of what was covered in my classes this year, we talked about in Law Preview. Just that one week of studying made so much of my coursework in the first year seem familiar, and much less intimidating. I guess this is just a long way of saying THANK YOU! And I would be happy to act as a reference for anyone who has questions as to whether or not they should do Law Preview (they should!)."
Anonymous, Fordham University School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview helped me stay focused on exams. It was definitely true that much of each class is spent talking about policy, theory, and cases, but when it comes right down to it all that matters for exams is the black letter law (and how to apply it). Thanks to Law Preview, I understood that and I don’t think a lot of my classmates did."
Joseph W., University of Toledo College of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me critical early exposure to law school concepts and exam strategies that gave me an edge in my first semester of law school."
Reagan L, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2021
"My school does not rank 1L’s until the end of the year in the spring. Law Preview helped me to anticipate what each class was going to be like, as well as what law school in general would entail. The mock classes, along with their printable power-points, and the other general academic preparation materials all helped me to prepare and succeed in law school. I would recommend Law Preview to any incoming 1L without reservation."
David D., Quinnipiac University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview helped me adapt to law school and have an advantage over my classmates when it came to concepts, how to study, and how to prepare for exams. It resulted in my doing very well in all of my doctrinal classes."
Sydney P., University of Georgia School of Law, Class of 2024
"After a very successful 1L year at South Texas—thanks to the assistance of Law Preview—I am happy to be continuing my legal education at Texas Law. On top of that, I received multiple 2022 Summer Associate offers and am so excited to be joining Kirkland at their new Austin office! I am beyond thankful for you and your program’s assistance. I could not have achieved this without you!"
Hayden S., South Texas College of Law, Class of 2023 (transferred to Univ. of Texas Law School)
"Law Preview expels the mystery that lies behind the first-year of law school. The program effectively highlights what it takes to navigate your first-year with success and confidence. LP revealed to me that success in law school depends greatly on your approach. The tips and tools that I gleaned through my time in this program were invaluable in that they gave me a how to navigate the first-year of law school that many of my peers were not as fortunate to have. I firmly believe that anyone who utilizes the LP approach and puts in the time and effort will find themselves at the top of their class and perhaps most importantly, find the law school experience to be enjoyable and satisfying."
Matthew G., Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Class of 2013
"I’m so glad I did the Law Preview course. I was coming into law school after years in the performance arts, and definitely felt out of my depth! This short course really helped me feel more prepared headed into 1L. It also helped me feel like I had a plan of action moving forward. Law school was definitely a very different experience compared to undergrad, and Law Preview provided support so that I knew how to make the most out of my first year right off the bat! [3.71 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2024
"I had a plan from the beginning and the confidence in knowing that I could truly succeed if I stuck to it. When other students didn’t know what was going on and trying to figure things out, I was already reading, outlining and reviewing materials to prepare for my exams. My hard work and the preparation I received during my week at Law Preview really paid off — I finished my first semester with a 3.91 GPA"
Anonymous, University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2011