Our students thrive
Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"As the first in my family to attend law school and having grown up with no exposure to the legal world, Law Preview provided the perfect introduction into the start of my legal studies. The combination of classes, workshops, and materials equipped me with the knowledge and proper mindset I needed to begin my first year of law school with confidence and ease. I was able to begin the semester feeling reassured and familiar with the structure and pace. I truly owe the success of my first semester to the headstart this program gave me, and I cannot recommend Law Preview enough for any student about to begin their 1L year! [3.91 GPA and ranked #2 after the first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2023
"The course greatly exceeded my expectations! It provided in-depth exposure to every aspect of being a top law student as well as a general overview of each 1L course with access to office hours with the professors where we explored more nuanced topics. The course enabled me to develop valuable skills such as reading cases, drafting case briefs, forming outlines, and we even took a practice exam. The program also connected me with a support network within the Law Preview program and granted me free access to core study aids by Wolters Kluwer and Barbri that were of enormous use for my Contacts and Property courses. As a first generation college student and legal professional, this was instrumental in offsetting the additional challenges introduced through a fully remote first semester of law school and in allowing me to shine in my classes."
Jessica D., University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview was very helpful. I heavily relied on Don’s advice concerning my study schedule, not sweating over a summer internship, and also exam tactics. It was also helpful having the overview of courses. Law Preview gave me an idea of what to expect and confidence . . . I think it was a perfect program. I was skeptical about spending $1,000 on it, but it turned out to be worth every penny."
Stephen W., New York Law School, Class of 2011
"Law preview helped me hit the ground running with regards to my study schedule and outlining. It also gave me an edge on what to look for when reading a case. I finished my first semester with a 3.628 and an A in our 4 credit Torts class!"
Anonymous, Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, Class of 2019
"I got the most from experiencing different professors and from thinking about how I might personally go about analyzing the law. Even though I don’t do everything the way that Law Preview recommended, it was good to have a sense of where to begin. It was a worthwhile investment, even though I go to a school with no grades or rankings."
Anonymous, Northeastern University School of Law, Class of 2013
"You owe it to yourself to protect your $100-200K investment in law school by taking Law Preview. Law Preview taught me how to study and take exams successfully, how to budget my time effectively, as well as a general overview of my core IL courses. More than anything, Law Preview gave me the confidence to know what to expect in law school the very first day I started. I finished my first year of law school near the top of my class, which allowed me to earn much-needed scholarship money as well as several summer associate offers from BigLaw firms. I truly believe Law Preview was a big part of my success during the first-year and I would recommend it to anyone going to any law school."
Omar O., University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2011
"As a student with a media arts background, I was apprehensive about starting law school. I tried to read some cases on my own and become familiar with the terms of art in the legal profession, but nothing could prepare me as well as Law Preview did! I completed some of the recommended additional readings, took the on demand course in the weeks before law school, and felt prepared to dive in with my case briefs and confidently answering questions in class. My first semester was abundantly challenging as it was; I would hate to think how difficult it would have been without the foundation I obtained during Law Preview."
Anonymous, Gonzaga University School of Law, Class of 2022
"It was nice to have a preview of the cases that we would read as 1Ls. I had a good idea of what to expect as a first year student before classes started. Every advantage is needed to be successful. You MUST hit the ground running. There are people who have been paralegals, federal investigators, etc. in law school, who have experience others may lack. Law Preview was instrumental in not starting at a disadvantage."
Chris B., Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview provided me with a huge advantage over my colleagues. I felt comfortable from day 1 briefing cases and had a lot more familiarity with law school exams as well as the subject matter of the courses."
Katie G., Northern Illinois University College of Law, Class of 2022
"Helped prepare me in a way that I didn’t even know I needed. There’s no way to be 100% prepared for law school, but Barbri gets you as close as you can possible get."
Anonymous, Temple University School of Law, Class of 2022
"I thought it did come in handy, I was prepared to understand what a brief was, and while I changed it a bit to suit my own style and the professors recommendations, I wasn’t completely in the dark like some people."
Luke W., UIC, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Class of 2012
"Pushing for briefing cases rather than simply reading them was the biggest impact. Also, pushing to start outlines early and taking practice tests really impacted. The actually substantive overview of the courses were significantly less useful than the study skills. However, the study skills were so useful that they we’re worth the price alone. Although UCLA does not rank, my GPA was a 3.7."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2011
"I am happy to report that I just received my last grade and have an overall GPA of 4.15 at Albany Law! Better than I could have even dreamed of (and pretty good for having 2 small kids!). I just wanted to say thank you- the info I received in law preview was a huge part of knowing how to study and what to do to get where I wanted to be. I just wanted to say thank you- the info I received in law preview was a huge part of knowing how to study and what to do to get where I wanted to be."
Paige F., Albany Law School of Union University, 2021
"Law Preview gave me the techniques that have allowed me to be successful my first year."
Anonymous, SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2021
"Thanks for your tips, advice, and class. It gave me the tremendous advantage of foresight, the knowledge of how to prepare for my first year, and the grave consequences of the alternative."
Chris W., New York Law School, Class of 2013
"I strongly believe my Law Preview experience allowed me to go into law school feeling familiar with the central topics of each doctrinal class. Having this feeling of familiarity, it allowed me to not stress. Not only that, I was able to manage my time extremely well due to the tips we learned during Law Preview. I took on other responsibilities during the first semester, but because I was able to balance them all in addition to school, I was able to finish the semester with Honors in all three of the fall doctrinal classes. Thank you, Law Preview!"
Anonymous, Northeastern University School of Law, 2021
"It helped me be more prepared when the first day of class arrived. Additionally, I knew how to pace myself for exams and while everyone was attempting to figure out how to study, I already had a plan and was actually implementing the plan into my study time."
Anonymous, Elon University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview set the stage for my success at Columbia. I don’t have any lawyers in my family and none of my close friends went to law school, so I didn’t have any guidance before I started. Law Preview gave me practical advice that I could trust on the basics, like how to brief a case, what a supplementary companion is, and when to outline. I still use the templates and timelines provided for all of my law school classes. The course put me in the right mindset going into law school and provided me with the foundational knowledge on how to do well that I would not otherwise have had. [4.0 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Columbia Law School, Class of 2024
"The most beneficial part of Law Preview is that it prepared me by telling me what to expect and providing a great schedule. By sticking to the schedule, I never fell behind or felt completely overwhelmed. Because I briefed every case for all my classes I was always prepared. Law Preview’s advice about starting outlines early was probably the best advice because I was done with them by Thanksgiving when other students were just starting or way behind. That way, I had plenty of time to study my outlines before finals, which is probably why I did very well my first semester."
Anonymous, DePaul University College of Law, Class of 2011
"Going in as a 1L who had no lawyers in my family to ask about what to expect, Law Preview was essential to my success. It taught me a lot about the foreign world of law school which made it less scary from Day 1. It also gave me a schedule to follow during finals, which helped organize a pretty hectic time. At the end of 1L, I was super satisfied with my grades and working for a great law firm. In the marathon of law school, a week up really made all the difference."
Brandi D., Brooklyn Law School, 2019
"University of Miami doesn’t rank the 1L class until after the Spring Semester. However, I received a 3.75/4.0, which I was very pleased with. I definitely believe that attending Law Preview had a lot to do with my success. Law Preview taught me that is was necessary to put in more hours than I could have ever imagined. Without knowing that it takes that type of effort to do well I may have never put in the extra time, because I did not see all my peers spending that much time on a day to day basis. At times it did feel as if the tips from Law Preview created another source of stress, because it was hard to keep up with the Law Preview schedule. However, when it was all said and done I have to contribute a large portion of my success to what I learned at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2011
"Good overview of course topics, however Law Preview most importantly provided a great intro. to the homework and readings that you will face. It was friendly introduction to the Socratic method, and a great confidence boost going into the semester."
Jascha C., New York University School of Law, Class of 2012
"It was nice to have some of the fundamental cases under my belt for each class. The rigor of the class also helped prepare me for the workload I faced when I arrived at law school."
Anonymous, William & Mary Law School, Class of 2013
"I attended the Houston seminar at University of Houston in July 2010. I think the product you offer is excellent. Law Preview provided me with an advantage over my peers in a fair academic way. I would recommend taking the six day class to anyone entering law school. The class provided a foundation that allowed me to find clarity in the pile of case law assigned. The week before my Law Preview class, I read the entire prep book. I did not understand much of what I read, but I went though the exercise. I struggled to interpret the class discussions, but managed to stay focused. The six day work load was a serious grind, like a law school boot camp. While it may have been difficult, the course gave me exactly what I wanted out of it. It gave me a vision of what was to come. I was able to brace myself for impact and ride the turbulent wave through the first semester finish line. Even though preparation is key to success, hard work through out the semester is an essential element as well. My goal for this semester is to study more efficiently, to work smarter not harder. By finals in the fall, I was losing stamina. The work load started to wear me down and I may have wandered into the forest losing myself in the trees. In the end, I still managed to finish in a good place. This semester I have a new and improved game plan, but it is important to note that my original game plan came from Law Preview. Without this original game plan, I would have been lost in the trees from day one. Now, as my peers are wandering to a clearing, I am already crossing the field."
Lucas C., South Texas College of Law Houston, Class of 2013
"The first semester in law school picks up pretty quickly. Law Preview helped me to be prepared in regards to outlining and case briefing. I feel that this left me less overwhelmed than others."
Derya L., Fordham University School of Law, Class of 2021
"I am a part-time student and ranked #5 of 96 students. The tools Law Preview provided me with did help get me off the ground running. As I stood on top of my outlines throughout the semester, other students were just beginning their outlines the week before midterms, and then did not touch them again until review week while I was taking past exams. The emails throughout the semester were also very helpful, they certainly kept me focused! So far, Law Preview has been worth the money spent. Thanks!"
Anonymous, Thomas Jefferson School of Law, Class of 2013
"I felt more prepared because I knew what to expect. I think the class made me feel more confident in my ability to meet the challenges of law school. I would definitely recommend the class to any incoming law student!"
Anonymous, Columbia University Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview really helped to acclimatize me to law school and put me on the right track to performing very well on my first-semester law school exams. [4.0 GPA after the first semester]"
Anonymous, New York University School of Law, Class of 2024
"The overview from Law Preview really helped me to get acquainted to law school quickly and start off strong. The sample schedule and pre-work gave me the confidence I needed. Because of my grades, I was able to land a summer associate position before school even started back up in the spring. I didn’t have to wait for the help of my school for a job and now I can relax going into the semester knowing I have a position secured."
Natalie W., Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Class of 2023
"They do not put out class rank for the first semester but I got two As and and A- in my substantive classes and a B+ in Legal Writing and Research. Going by last year’s numbers, my 3.9 GPA puts me in the top 15% or better. Law Preview gave me a method of preparing for class that allowed me to make the most of lectures from the start. The tips about making use of the table of contents and starting to outline early were the most useful in retrospect. During the final reading period, I was able to focus on old tests and adjusting my finished outline to be more useful in the test scenario. I’m incredibly happy with the results."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2012