Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"BARBRI’s Law Preview course was an amazing program! It was great to have an overview of each of the courses and major cases before classes started. I was terrified before starting law school that I wouldn’t do well, and I ended up ranking 1st in my section, 2nd in my class, and I transferred to Boston University School of Law! This program is definitely worth taking. The professors are amazing, and the exam preparation is extremely helpful! I recommended this course to everyone I knew starting law school."
Sophia O., Suffolk University School of Law (transferred to Boston Univ. School of Law), Class of 2022
"It definitely gave me a plan of action. I felt like I definitely had an upper hand on how to study, and I knew that I couldn’t cut corners and expect to end up on top. I feel like it was an invaluable part of helping me be successful and landing in the top 10% which was my goal."
Anonymous, University of South Carolina School of Law, Class of 2013
"By the time I got into classes I already knew how to read an analyze cases. I also knew the basic concepts so I was able to get up to speed about the intricacies introduced in class much faster. Other people struggled with the more complicated concepts, but I had already gone over them once in Law Preview and the second time just helped my clarify my understanding. Learning to brief the cases before starting was helpful because I did not need to spend an inordinate amount of time on each case. I knew what I needed to extract from the cases and had a template in which to place the information. Law preview helps you hit the ground running in your first year."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2011
"Provided a honest assessment of the work required to succeed. Made it easier to acclimate to law school. Calendar helped provide structure. Learned how to read and brief quicker. Courses were more familiar and easier to understand."
Paul T., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"Since I am the first in my family to graduate from college, I did not know how to prepare for law school. BARBRI Law Preview provided me with the tools to not only survive my first semester, but to also excel. I followed their recommendations and specifically their recommended calendar for allocating my time, which is something that I struggle with. This program is 100% worth it and I highly recommend it."
Anonymous, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview helped me tremendously with my law school experience, especially the writing class. I felt more confident and prepared when I began."
Scott G., Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview laid the foundation for my study routine. Coupled with Barbri Mastery, I tried to adhere as closely as possible to Don’s schedule for reading, briefing, etc. Demystifying 1L was immensely helpful and I encountered many of the cases I read during Law Preview. It goes without saying that reading cases in advance is tremendously beneficial. Moreover, having a concrete process for briefing allowed me to hit the ground running for the first semester."
Anonymous, Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2024
"Hi Don, I just wanted to let you know I finished strong my first semester. Dean’s List, a 3.4 GPA — all A’s and B’s. Law Preview gave me the confidence I needed going in. I knew what to expect and had a huge advantage because of that. Than you so very much!"
Gayle B., Florida A&M University School of Law, Class of 2013
"I was able to get right into briefing cases without having to figure out if I was doing it right or not. I was able to follow along in class because my brief was set up perfectly. Almost all of the cases learned in the class were used during my first semester and it was just a refresher to read them again instead of having to learn them for the first time. Coming into finals week I was more prepared then most other students and I knew exactly what I had to do. [Ranked 20 out of 138.]"
Anonymous, Widener University School of Law, Class of 2012
"Great preparation for what to expect and the level of effort required for As."
Courtney G., University of Colorado Law School, Class of 2024
"Law Preview helped me have a plan before the semester started, and it paid off! I got a 4.0 and really enjoyed all my classes."
Anonymous, Boston University School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview did just that- gave me a preview of my first year law school classes. Because of LP, I started the school year feeling better prepared, which in turn made me more confident. LP taught me the skills I needed to succeed in my first year. The study calendar which LP recommended was most helpful even if it was incredibly regimented because it made me stay on top of my studies."
Grace S., Golden Gate University School of Law, Class of 2013
"I was definitely more prepared than my peers when the school year started."
Kristina R., University of Florida College of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview impacted my study schedule and the daily hours I committed to each day – this was the biggest impact. I understood the dedication I needed to give and held myself to that high standard. Additionally, my GPA was the highest I ever achieved in a single undergrad semester, I attribute this to Law Preview’s frank and direct teaching on how to dedicate myself to achieve success."
Mary M., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"I came in feeling comfident in my ability to brief cases and Barbri taught me how to read cases. The learning curve was still very steep, but I went in feeling like I had already dipped my toes in over the summer before plunging in head first. Many of the cases we covered in Barbri were also covered in my class, which was very helpful too."
Anonymous, University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2022
"As I have just gotten back my last grade from my fall exams, I wanted to share with you my deep appreciation for Law Preview. I succeeded this past semester even more then I could have ever imagined: A+ in Torts, A in Crim, A+ on my Property midterm, A+ on my Civ Pro midterm, and an A on both my Legal Writing memos. I remember you mentioned in one of the sessions that we should reach out to you halfway through the year with success stories, so I wanted to do that and to say a HUGE thank you to you and to this awesome program you’ve put together! I can confidently say that I would not have been in this position without seeing the forest through Law Preview. It was such a helpful tool for me that I know put me several steps ahead of my classmates. So thank you so much, and I only hope to continue my success this upcoming semester as well!"
Tal E., Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Class of 2022
"It was good coming into law school with an idea of what to expect. Aside from being familiar with some of the substantive material covered in class first semester, it was helpful knowing what to expect from the law school experience. There were multiple occasions during the semester when I found myself looking back on the notes I had taken at law preview for clarification on different things. All in all Law Preview was a great experience [ranked #25 out of 144 after first semester]."
Anonymous, Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview helped me understand the big picture of what I was studying in class. As a first-get student, it was challenging to understand the method in which law school content is taught and having Law Preview available was extremely helpful in helping me digest and understand the important concepts."
Marlenee B., University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Class of 2023
"I was often asked during the first few weeks where I’d worked in the law previously. I had literally no legal experience before BarBri Law Preview other than having read a couple of cases, not the ones we’d studied. But the Law Preview course both set me on the right footing for the year and gave me an overview of how the coursework would fit together. Finally, the practice outlining was invaluable."
Peter S., Northwestern University School of Law, 2022
"The course greatly exceeded my expectations! It provided in-depth exposure to every aspect of being a top law student as well as a general overview of each 1L course with access to office hours with the professors where we explored more nuanced topics. The course enabled me to develop valuable skills such as reading cases, drafting case briefs, forming outlines, and we even took a practice exam. The program also connected me with a support network within the Law Preview program and granted me free access to core study aids by Wolters Kluwer and Barbri that were of enormous use for my Contacts and Property courses. As a first generation college student and legal professional, this was instrumental in offsetting the additional challenges introduced through a fully remote first semester of law school and in allowing me to shine in my classes."
Jessica D., University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2023
"Latham & Watkins’ genuine commitment to diversity, inclusion, and excellence has had a tremendous impact on both my academic and professional career. In 2019, Latham gave me a scholarship to attend Law Preview prior to entering Stanford Law School — a truly unique opportunity that gave me the foresight to succeed in my first year of law school. The program armed me with the key concepts of the first-year curriculum and taught me how to prepare for classes and exams early, efficiently, and effectively. Based on my academic achievements, not only was I invited to join the Stanford Law Review, but I also joined Latham as a 1L Summer Associate and received an offer to return next summer (as well as Latham’s 2L Diversity Scholarship). I will be forever grateful that Latham invested ~$1000 in my academic success prior to starting law school — their initial investment in me has paid dividends. Law Preview clearly had a significant impact on my success at Stanford Law School. If law school were karate, Don Macaulay would be the Mr. Miyagi of the legal community."
Daniel K., Stanford Law School, Class of 2023 (President of the Stanford Law Review)
"I felt more confident starting in the fall and had a better understanding of the material as I progressed through the year. [Ranked top 10% after 1L year]."
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2013
"As a recipient of a scholarship to attend Law Preview, I was so grateful to have this resource available to me before starting law school. Once I started classes, it was so great to recognize a case that had already been explained to me, and to be able to see the big picture from day one. Attending Law Preview also helped me to demystify so many of the new terms that come with starting law school, from “briefs” to “write-ons” and more. It made me feel more confident starting off, and allowed me to focus on the right parts of each daily class and each course as a whole. [3.7 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Southern California School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview gave me the ultimate ‘heads up’ that I needed for law school. Don and all of the distinguished Professors tell you what nobody else will. During orientation and for several weeks after the semester began, it seemed everyone was running around without much of a clue of what was going on. Because of Law Preview, I already knew what I needed to do in order to focus solely on the important aspects of my courses. Law Preview pays off through every aspect of the first semester, and even beyond. I had my outlines complete by the time others were just learning how to get the most out of briefing a case. A small number of the students in my section even began to withdraw from classes during this time. Law Preview emphasizes methods that will help you stick through attrition. After the exams, many of the students were very worried about the grades they received. This was clearly the first time the others encountered receiving what they considered such low grades. Law Preview discusses this, so I was already prepared. . . . Law Preview clearly gives you the tools needed to cut through the confusion. They get down to brass tacks by clearly illustrating what we did and did not need to worry about."
Daniel S., Mitchell Hamline School of Law (formerly William Mitchell College of Law), Class of 2012
"Law Preview is both a wake-up call and a road map to success in your first year of law school. I received personal attention and exposure to many of the fundamental concepts of my 1L courses. Law Preview not only prepared me to excel, it also gave me the confidence to face an otherwise daunting first year. I finished my first year in the top 10% of my class and will transfer to a higher ranked law school in the fall. Thank you, Law Preview! [Ranked #20 out of 269 students]."
Anonymous, Michigan State University Detroit College of Law, Class of 2013
"I am 5th in my class right now. I just wanted to say thank you for that course. You are going to laugh but I think the biggest thing I took away from the course is that planner and the general concept of time management. Outlining early as part of that and taking 1L seriously in terms of hours put in. All of those things come down to time management though. It’s amazing how far even an idiot like myself can get with wise management of time and an intentional attitude. Anyway, thank you again!"
Ivan S., University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped ease the anxiety of not knowing what to expect. The overview for each class gave me a point of reference and helped me see the big picture from the start. Don gave us a great strategy to use academically but also mentally in how to approach the first year."
Valeria S., South Texas College of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview gave me confidence and eliminated many of my pre-law school anxiety, exposed me to several cases we studied, and gave me an overview of subjects that allowed me to start with a big picture understanding. [Ranked 6 out of 223]."
Anonymous, Oklahoma City University School of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview provided me with a huge advantage over my colleagues. I felt comfortable from day 1 briefing cases and had a lot more familiarity with law school exams as well as the subject matter of the courses."
Katie G., Northern Illinois University College of Law, Class of 2022
"Because law school was somewhat of a last minute decision for me at the end of college, I had no idea what to expect. Law Preview completely changed that. Not only did it give me a little taste of what to expect substantively in classes like Torts and Contracts, but more importantly it geared me towards a year of very hard work and dedication. I can easily say that if it were not for Law Preview I probably would have entered law school with a similar attitude as college, but after taking the week of classes with Law Preview I had a much better idea of how many hours I would have to work a week, what the workload would look like, and what my timeline and goals should look like for the first semester, not to mention how to brief a case. I actually ended up using the Law Preview case brief outline for the entire year (and will continue to use it for the next two years) and felt that I was always extremely prepared for class. Overall, I think it was a great program and I am really glad I participated in it. [Ranked #13 out of 484 students at the end of 1L year]."
Anonymous, New York Law School, Class of 2013