Our students thrive
Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.
"The most important thing about Law Preview, and this was something Don mentioned in passing in one of the videos, is the preliminary exposure to the material. There is no way to learn all of a doctrinal class in one sitting or even one week. But being exposed to the materials before law school allows them to be more easily understood the second, third, and fourth time your professors say it, you read it, or practice it on an exam. This made the biggest difference because I was already able to connect different lessons from my classes before my classmates which made the big picture easy to understand and outlines easy to create. As a result, I got the third-highest grade in my contracts course and ended with an overall GPA well above median at my school. [3.63 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Duke University School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview has allowed to realize the time restrictions I have as a law school student. It taught me how to maximize the time I do have by disciplining my self with staying ahead in class and studying for finals well before the last week of class."
Dorothy S., Florida A&M University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Great overview of the subject matter covered. Also instilled in me an internal clock/checklist so that I had a sense of where I needed to be–in terms of final exam preparation– during the course of the semester."
Anonymous, Notre Dame Law School, Class of 2012
"Law Preview gave me the techniques that have allowed me to be successful my first year."
Anonymous, SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview prepared me for my 1L experience by giving me confidence, skills, and education about 1L year and law school in general. The program pushed me to aim to be at the top of my class and was an amazing tool to help me make the right decisions and study habits to help me achieve almost all As in my first semester as a 1L. I’m so grateful to have experienced Law Preview and highly recommend the program to ensure that you excel in law school."
Melissa J., University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2024
"I’m writing to thank you for the Law Preview course I took last summer. I was barely admitted into the school via wait list, and I had absolutely no studying skills before I attended Law Preview. Law Preview gave me an outstanding overview which helped me formed my study plans, so I knew exactly what to do, when to do them, and how to do them. What helped me the most was your lecture on the right attitude to go into law school with; I was able to maintain positive the entire semester even though at times it was frustrating and many things seemed to go wrong. Now I have an above 4.0 GPA: 2xA+,2xA, 1xA- after first semester, which puts me at about top 1-2%. Thanks again, couldn’t have done it without you."
Anonymous, South Texas College of Law Houston, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me a realistic idea of how much work would be required to achieve high grades in law school. I found the introduction to the first-year course work to be extremely beneficial and found myself ahead of some colleagues who did not experience Law Preview."
Carrie D., UIC, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Class of 2012
"Law Preview provided an opportunity to get a helpful sneak peak of the substantive issues that were covered throughout the semester. The background information helped get me into the mindset of the topic areas in a way that I would not have gotten without the instruction. Additionally, I used the organizational strategies offered in the course to varying degrees throughout the semester. I particularly liked that the advice was still flexible enough that I could adapt it to my own method of working and studying."
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview set the tone for the entire semester. I took the recommendations seriously, studied hard, and stayed focused. Law Preview provided me with an overview of the basic law courses and the structure of our judicial system. This overview helped to lay the foundation for success. The study aid recommendations and real world advice on how to succeed in law school was very helpful. I sincerely enjoyed the Law Preview course and would recommend it to anyone entering law school."
Heather S., Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Class of 2021
"I felt prepared from day one to do what I had to do. The plan was before me: my only difficulty was in sticking to it. [Ranked 1 out of 226]."
Anonymous, University of Illinois College of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview was beneficial in that it helped strip away some of the anxiety and myths about first year law school while also conveying the reality of the large amount of time and effort that would be required of students if they wanted to succeed. There are no magic words or formulas to success but Law Preview passed on tools and techniques for studying so that I was able to hit the ground running from the very first day of school. The tools and practice from Law Preview allowed me to focus on the substance of what was being discussed in class and in the readings. Rather than trying to remember what the heck IRAC was or learning how to write case briefs and read case books effectively the first few weeks of the semester I’d already had a week of practice on how to accomplish those tasks thanks to my time with Law Preview. One of the first legal writing assignments at my school during first semester was to write a case brief which I already knew how to write thanks to the templates from Law Preview and session on the topic. I got 100% on the brief. The familiarity and introduction to various topics and projects covered during the first year of law school became a huge time saver. And any law school student will tell you that anything that saves time is invaluable in law school."
Anonymous, Whittier Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me the tools to exceed in my first semester, and heavily reduced my anxiety going into law school. From day one I felt like I had an edge that many other student did not, and received honors grades with a GPA of 3.33! I highly recommend this course to any 0L!"
Samantha J., Marquette University School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview gave me the background of legal education that I didn’t learn right away at law school. It gave me a head start and made me feel confident in knowing what to expect by showing me the big picture of legal education. I probably would have felt very lost my first few weeks at school if it weren’t for my experience at Law Preview."
Katie P., University of St. Thomas School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really gave me a head start on the subject matter as well as some helpful advice on how to navigate law school. Being not only a first-generation law student, but also a first-generation college student, I have often had to figure out higher education on my own. Having the Law Preview experience before beginning my first semester gave me peace of mind and showed me what to look out for in my 1L year and what things I needed to prioritize. This definitely got me off on the right foot and led me to achieve a 4.0 GPA my first semester."
Jared G., American University, Washington College of Law. 2019
"Law Preview allowed me to get a head start during my first year of law school. It was extremely helpful during midterms and finals. All of the available study aids helped me get a better understanding of each course. [3.93 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, Class of 2020
"Great experience with Law Preview. Support material (online videos) after the course and continual study tips helped reinforce the material taught in the classroom. Highly recommend. Felt prepared for class discussions and received A-s in the two courses that were introduced in-depth at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law
"Law Preview taught me the habits that I used to succeed during my first semester of law school. Had it not been for the class, I would not have understood the importance of briefing cases, integrating my notes from class with my initial notes, and outlining, and how these practices impact performance on the final exam. Because I knew how imperative it was to discipline myself into practicing these strategies on a daily basis, I was able to stick to an efficient schedule that ultimately produced successful results."
Monica C. Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2021
"Law Preview was very helpful. I heavily relied on Don’s advice concerning my study schedule, not sweating over a summer internship, and also exam tactics. It was also helpful having the overview of courses. Law Preview gave me an idea of what to expect and confidence . . . I think it was a perfect program. I was skeptical about spending $1,000 on it, but it turned out to be worth every penny."
Stephen W., New York Law School, Class of 2011
"I came in feeling comfident in my ability to brief cases and Barbri taught me how to read cases. The learning curve was still very steep, but I went in feeling like I had already dipped my toes in over the summer before plunging in head first. Many of the cases we covered in Barbri were also covered in my class, which was very helpful too."
Anonymous, University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2022
"Law Preview provided a terrific framework for approaching 1L with time-tested study and exam techniques. Don’s particular words, “don’t get outworked,” are part of my daily mantra. I have been laser-focused on my studies and doing everything that I can using the tips and techniques from Law Preview to achieve top marks. Overall, Law Preview cuts through the fat and provides the most essential tips and roadmap for success in 1L and beyond."
Anonymous, Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2024
"Law Preview definitely helped me in my first semester of 1L because before classes even started, I had a schedule set out to keep me on track and know when to read/brief for my classes and when to start outlining. Even though I was still very nervous, having my 1L checklist from BARBRI and the 12 steps to Academic Success handout kept me focused on my end goal to do well my first semester, which I did."
Anonymous, University of Maryland School of Law, Class of 2024
"The schedule and study techniques helped me get A’s in every class except one, and I felt more prepared than some of my classmates in their classes. I had the best grades of my academic career and made the dean’s list for the first time."
Steward L., Northern Illinois University College of Law, Class of 2023
"In law school you don’t know what you don’t know. For many, it’s the first time you actually have to study. Law Preview gave me a jump start on my first semester by teaching me how to think like a lawyer."
Christian M., University of Connecticut School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview helped me feel more confident and prepared going into 1L and helped me to beat the curve in two of my courses and hit median on the curve in two others, putting me in approximately the top 30% of students after the first semester."
Lindsey C., University of Virgina School of Law, Class of 2023
"My undergrad grades were mediocre and I had graduated a few years ago, so law school was very intimidating. Law Preview was great way introduction with valuable, practical advice; my first semester grades far exceeded my hopes."
Andrew Y., Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2013
"Rutgers doesnt rank [after first semester]. Based on my GPA, I’m probably top 15%. Law Preview helped give an overview of the substantive areas, sampling of the Socratic method, practical advice about how to approach law school, especially the study calendar."
David E., Rutgers University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview prepared me for what was coming and gave me good strategies for success."
Gabriel M., Charleston School of Law, Class of 2024
"Very helpful and gave me a much needed head start"
Anonymous, Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview helped me adapt to law school and have an advantage over my classmates when it came to concepts, how to study, and how to prepare for exams. It resulted in my doing very well in all of my doctrinal classes."
Sydney P., University of Georgia School of Law, Class of 2024
"Provided a honest assessment of the work required to succeed. Made it easier to acclimate to law school. Calendar helped provide structure. Learned how to read and brief quicker. Courses were more familiar and easier to understand."
Paul T., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023