Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"Law Preview was completely responsible for my ability to hit the ground running fall semester of my 1L year. I knew how to brief a case, how to approach outlining, and what to expect from exams. Armed with my study calendar, I jumped into my first year nervous but prepared. I think my 4.28 GPA was significantly helped by attending Law Preview and utilizing the tools it gave me. Shout-out to Don Macaulay, an MVP mentor who provides pre- and post-Law Preview guidance throughout your 1L year and beyond."
Susan P., Pepperdine University School of Law, Class of 2023 (transferred to Harvard Law School)
"Hi Don, I just wanted to let you know I finished strong my first semester. Dean’s List, a 3.4 GPA — all A’s and B’s. Law Preview gave me the confidence I needed going in. I knew what to expect and had a huge advantage because of that. Than you so very much!"
Gayle B., Florida A&M University School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview provided me an outstanding overview of my 1L curriculum and allowed me to grasp the big picture of each course far earlier than I would have otherwise. The professors were really helpful and covered some of the most fundamental and hard to grasp topics in 1L courses, which I really appreciated when they came up the second time around and I was already well-prepared to deal with them. Thanks to Law Preview’s overview, from the moment that classes started I knew how to manage my time, which proved invaluable when reading period began and I was ready to invoke Law Preview’s exam preparation strategies right on schedule. By having a firm background on the basics, I was also able to make time to get a head start on the 1L summer job hunt, which allowed me to secure a position with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York, my first choice job. I would definitely recommend this class to any incoming law student! Thank you for an outstanding class."
Corey B., Harvard Law School, Class of 2013
"The course greatly exceeded my expectations! It provided in-depth exposure to every aspect of being a top law student as well as a general overview of each 1L course with access to office hours with the professors where we explored more nuanced topics. The course enabled me to develop valuable skills such as reading cases, drafting case briefs, forming outlines, and we even took a practice exam. The program also connected me with a support network within the Law Preview program and granted me free access to core study aids by Wolters Kluwer and Barbri that were of enormous use for my Contacts and Property courses. As a first generation college student and legal professional, this was instrumental in offsetting the additional challenges introduced through a fully remote first semester of law school and in allowing me to shine in my classes."
Jessica D., University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview provided an opportunity to get a helpful sneak peak of the substantive issues that were covered throughout the semester. The background information helped get me into the mindset of the topic areas in a way that I would not have gotten without the instruction. Additionally, I used the organizational strategies offered in the course to varying degrees throughout the semester. I particularly liked that the advice was still flexible enough that I could adapt it to my own method of working and studying."
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped decrease the nerousness about starting law school because it gave me a good idea of what to expect and how to cope with certain pressures inherent to it."
Anonymous, University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2012
"I finished my first semester with a 3.74 GPA and near the top of my class, and I wholeheartedly believe that Law Preview provided the foundation which I continued to rely and build on over the entire semester. I highly recommend the course to anyone contemplating attending law school!"
Daniel B., University of Massachusetts School of Law Dartmouth, Class of 2022 (transferred to Boston College Law School)
"As someone who had been out of school for a while, Law Preview really set me up for success in fall of 1L. Having already been introduced to many of the topics we would discuss, I found it was much easier to understand and retain the material as it was introduced. The test taking and time management strategies also helped me minimize the exam stress at the end of the semester that plagued my classmates while still making it on the honor roll!"
Anonymous, Notre Dame Law School, Class of 2023
"BARBRI’s Law Preview course was an amazing program! It was great to have an overview of each of the courses and major cases before classes started. I was terrified before starting law school that I wouldn’t do well, and I ended up ranking 1st in my section, 2nd in my class, and I transferred to Boston University School of Law! This program is definitely worth taking. The professors are amazing, and the exam preparation is extremely helpful! I recommended this course to everyone I knew starting law school."
Sophia O., Suffolk University School of Law (transferred to Boston Univ. School of Law), Class of 2022
"Law Preview provided me with the confidence and routine necessary to succeed my first semester of law school. Prior to the first day of class, I was able to have set in place a reading and study schedule that kept me on top of my assignments. This allowed me to ensure I was learning the material over time and not waiting until the end of the semester to see if I had retained it along the way. Now, I find myself in a great position while applying for summer employment and have received interviews from my top firms."
Reaghan W., University of North Carolina School of Law, Class of 2023
"I went into law school knowing how to brief cases, knowing the language of the law and knowing the subject matter that was being presented. That was all extremely beneficial to me; however, the best thing about Law Preview is that I met my best friend and a familiar face in my law school section. He and I have helped each other through the semester, formed a study group with other students and relied on our Law Preview materials to help along the way. I was thankful for the experience and the people I met."
Beka P., SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2011
"I had a plan from the beginning and the confidence in knowing that I could truly succeed if I stuck to it. When other students didn’t know what was going on and trying to figure things out, I was already reading, outlining and reviewing materials to prepare for my exams. My hard work and the preparation I received during my week at Law Preview really paid off — I finished my first semester with a 3.91 GPA"
Anonymous, University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2011
"My experience with Law Preivew was instrumental in the achievements of my first semester. Without the study skills and insight it gave me I would not have received the only A+ in my Criminal Law class. I highly recommend taking this course it was very helpful in preparing me for law school."
Beth P., William & Mary Law School, Class of 2021
"I am a 1L at UCI Law, I was a student in Law Preview for the online session last year. Guess what? First-semester 1L grades finally posted, and I got a 3.93!!! I really think my time in the Law Preview course was integral to my success. Thanks again for creating such a unique program!"
Patrick R., University of California, Irvine School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview really helped me in regards to exams. I had a hard semester, but when it came to exams, I followed the procedure set forth by Law Preview. I was able to out-perform my classmates by a considerable degree. My law school does not provide us our rank unless we request it, and I am still waiting for it, but judging from my grades, I am ranked highly."
Anonymous, Texas A&M University School of Law (formerly Texas Wesleyan University School of Law), Class of 2011
"It improved my preparation and gave me more overall understanding as a first-generation lawyer/student."
Aaron Y., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2022
"Taking Law Preview not only gave me a great introduction to the basic first year law courses, it also gave me a realistic perspective of the kind of work that is required to finish in the top 10% of my class. I was able to land a job with a large firm after my first year and am currently preparing myself for a very successful career in law."
Kevin K., University of Akron School of Law, Class of 2011
"Dear Don, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your guidance and encouragement last semester. I am proud to report that I received 4 Hs and will be working as a 1L summer associate at [an AmLaw Top 5 firm] in New York this summer. I am so grateful to you and Barbri for helping me achieve these goals!"
Anonymous, Havard Law School, Class of 2024
"Law Preview was the ‘Dummies Guide to Law School’ that I really needed. While the classes themselves helped give me a brief substantive overview, it was the organizational and study skills that I really appreciated. I was always prepared for class with the 2 day ahead approach but more importantly I was prepared for my exams because I had been studying all along and using the best study tools out there. Don kept telling us that everyone in our classes were going to know the exact same law going into the exam, but what was going to separate us from the rest of them was that we were going to know how to apply it because we hadn’t just been memorizing. Instead, we had been learning it, working with it, and wrestling with it from week one because of all the skills and techniques we learned from Law Preview."
Emily H., New England School of Law, Class of 2013
"My Law Preview experienced allowed me to in general be ahead of everyone else in school. I was able to brief cases and outline a lot sooner than most of my classmates which left me a lot of time during finals to concentrate on studying instead of creating study aids, such as outlines. I also learned how to write an exam from law preview, so I was able to feel confident taking practice exams and my actual exams knowing that I wrote an exam the way my law school professors wanted me to."
Gabriela S., Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2013
"Because law school was somewhat of a last minute decision for me at the end of college, I had no idea what to expect. Law Preview completely changed that. Not only did it give me a little taste of what to expect substantively in classes like Torts and Contracts, but more importantly it geared me towards a year of very hard work and dedication. I can easily say that if it were not for Law Preview I probably would have entered law school with a similar attitude as college, but after taking the week of classes with Law Preview I had a much better idea of how many hours I would have to work a week, what the workload would look like, and what my timeline and goals should look like for the first semester, not to mention how to brief a case. I actually ended up using the Law Preview case brief outline for the entire year (and will continue to use it for the next two years) and felt that I was always extremely prepared for class. Overall, I think it was a great program and I am really glad I participated in it. [Ranked #13 out of 484 students at the end of 1L year]."
Anonymous, New York Law School, Class of 2013
"I felt comfortable with the course material and had a good idea about what the semester workload would look like thanks to the Barbri Law Preview."
Christina O., University of Texas Law School, Class of 2022
"Very helpful and gave me a much needed head start"
Anonymous, Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview is an intense one-week course that gives you a real sense of what 1L looks like: It asks you to read fifty pages a day, make case outlines, and get prepared to be called on by instructors who are experienced professors from great law schools. I felt a lot of pressure when taking the course, but that is exactly 1L, isn’t it? Looking back, I cannot imagine what my law school journey would be like if I did not take the course. The study methods taught in the course helped me get good grades in 1L, and those grades played a crucial role in my applications for 1L and 2L summer internships. All start from that ‘painful’ yet amazingly productive week, so I cannot say enough how impactful it is to my law school journey and my legal career."
Han S., University of Washington School of Law, Class of 2022

Looking back as I finish my 3L year, I wholeheartedly believe that Law Preview is the best antidote to the curse of assumed knowledge. Getting a primer on important doctrinal subjects in digestible but focused sessions—and being introduced to the Socratic method in a realistic but low-stakes environment—was exactly what I needed to prepare for my 1L year. Law Preview taught me concepts that soon become central to my life as a law student: how to brief, what an outline looks like, how to write an exam, and what a tort (disappointingly, not the dessert) is. And, as someone who had not known the ins and outs of law journals before Law Preview, I can confidently say that the program helped earn my spot on the Stanford Law Review. I honestly can’t imagine delving into my 1L year without having participated in the program.  Beyond the academic head start, Law Preview helped me build a strong professional network. I met other law students committed to success headed to my school and schools across the country. I got a taste of several different first-rate professors’ teaching styles. And I became a part of the larger Law Preview network: I finally had folks in my corner. If I had to boil it down, Law Preview helped me start out on the right foot. Law school is intimidating. Maybe you can’t change whether you were born into a family of lawyers or whether you’ve spent years working as a paralegal, but you can change how prepared you feel to start. The key to that, in my experience, is Law Preview. If starting over, I would choose Law Preview again every time.

Kat G., Stanford Law School, Class of 2021
"Having come from an atypical background for a law student, I had very little idea what to expect from law school, other than its general difficulty. Law Preview gave me solid expectations and the tools (especially the calendar) to maintain a high level of focus, productivity, and time management that allowed me to succeed. I have no doubt Law Preview led to my high GPA and my placement in what is historically the 10% of the class during an incredibly competitive year. I would (and have) recommended Law Preview to any prospective law student."
Sam N., Boston University School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview helped give me tools and confidence I needed to achieve my much higher than average GPA. Without the study tools and habits, I would not have done as well as a student returning to school after six years in a journalism career."
Catherine A., Florida State University College of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview gave me the background of legal education that I didn’t learn right away at law school. It gave me a head start and made me feel confident in knowing what to expect by showing me the big picture of legal education. I probably would have felt very lost my first few weeks at school if it weren’t for my experience at Law Preview."
Katie P., University of St. Thomas School of Law, Class of 2011
"I was better prepared for what to expect during my first semester of law school. Others were much more stressed; I knew what was important to focus my attention on, instead of getting caught up with all the minute details in every case. Finding old exams, outlines from upper-levels, and utilizing study aids when I needed them, helped me so much. With a 3 year old at home, the preparation and knowledge that Law Preview gave me was (and is) invaluable!! . . . Law Preview lowered my level of anxiety at the beginning of the school year. Many of my fellow students were stressed and overwhelmed right from the start. Law Preview gave me the tools I needed to balance school with my responsibilities as a mom. . . . I haven’t received my rank yet, but I do know that I made dean’s list! Thanks Law Preview!"
Elise L., University of Cincinnati College of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really helped put into perspective what the first semester of law school would be like. The substantive overview of each core first year class really prevented me from feeling lost or overwhelmed, the study calendar helped me know when and how to study, and the materials on exam writing are absolutely invaluable. Law Preview is the difference between drowning and succeeding your first semester."
Amelia D., University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2012