Our students thrive
Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"Law Preview helped me feel confident in class, and sure that I knew what I was in for. I do not think I could have achieved an A+ in my contracts class without the help of law preview. Because I knew how to prepare and study for law school before I arrived I was well prepared to take the final that was 100% of my grade."
Anonyomous, University of New Hampshire School of Law, 2022
"Law Preview made all the difference for me. As a first generation law student, I wasn’t sure what to expect in law school. Law Preview took away all that fear and set me up for success – I earned a 3.93 GPA during my 1L year!"
Josh V., University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2022 (transferred to Harvard Law School)
"In law school you don’t know what you don’t know. For many, it’s the first time you actually have to study. Law Preview gave me a jump start on my first semester by teaching me how to think like a lawyer."
Christian M., University of Connecticut School of Law, Class of 2021
"I do not think I will ever be able to know how much Law Preview has helped me. It was by far the best investment I could have ever asked for. I would recommend it to anyone that is going to law school. I continue to step back and think, wow, I wonder where I would be without that class. It was just very eye opening and helpful in my first semester. I enjoyed the non-scary professors as a mini-icebreaker to the class. I also found all the tips very helpful. I may not remember all the terms that we discussed or went over, but I am familiar with the topics and this helps tremendously to get my arms around each class. Thanks again"
Lauren H., Nova Southeastern UniversityShepard Broad Law Center, Class of 2011
"I went into law school knowing how to brief cases, knowing the language of the law and knowing the subject matter that was being presented. That was all extremely beneficial to me; however, the best thing about Law Preview is that I met my best friend and a familiar face in my law school section. He and I have helped each other through the semester, formed a study group with other students and relied on our Law Preview materials to help along the way. I was thankful for the experience and the people I met."
Beka P., SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview taught me the habits that I used to succeed during my first semester of law school. Had it not been for the class, I would not have understood the importance of briefing cases, integrating my notes from class with my initial notes, and outlining, and how these practices impact performance on the final exam. Because I knew how imperative it was to discipline myself into practicing these strategies on a daily basis, I was able to stick to an efficient schedule that ultimately produced successful results."
Monica C. Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2021
"Law Preview gave me both an introduction and an overview of all my first year courses that proved a strong foundation for the success I achieved."
David P., Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Class of 2021
"I can’t thank Law Preview enough for helping me conquer my first year! I know that I would not have been as successful as I was had it not been for my week at Law Preview. The material, the professors, the lectures were identical to everything I encountered my first year. Law Preview set me up for success. I was able to finish in the Top 15% of my 1L class, earn a spot on Law Review, and land my judicial internship. That wouldn’t have been possible without Law Preview!"
Allison C., Suffolk University School of Law, Class of 2021
"Hi Don, I just wanted to let you know I finished strong my first semester. Dean’s List, a 3.4 GPA — all A’s and B’s. Law Preview gave me the confidence I needed going in. I knew what to expect and had a huge advantage because of that. Than you so very much!"
Gayle B., Florida A&M University School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview helped me feel more confident beginning law school, making the transition much smoother [ranked #20 out of 200 after first semester]!"
Anonymous, University of Southern California Law School, Class of 2011
"Provided a honest assessment of the work required to succeed. Made it easier to acclimate to law school. Calendar helped provide structure. Learned how to read and brief quicker. Courses were more familiar and easier to understand."
Paul T., American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2023
"Last summer I was fortunate to receive a Law Preview Scholarship. The experience was particularly useful to me as a first generation law student. The class introduced me not only to doctrinal material from the first-year curriculum but it also exposed me to the law school nuances no one had told me about, like the Socratic method, briefing cases, and accessing prior exams as study aids. The benefits of being a Law Preview alum are numerous. I am still in contact with some of the students I met during the class. I also have access to Barbri webinars, which provide information on useful skills for the first year of law school and beyond, and the Job Network, which grants access to many of the law firm partners BARBRI has."
Carla L., Harvard Law School, 2020
"Law Preview did just that- gave me a preview of my first year law school classes. Because of LP, I started the school year feeling better prepared, which in turn made me more confident. LP taught me the skills I needed to succeed in my first year. The study calendar which LP recommended was most helpful even if it was incredibly regimented because it made me stay on top of my studies."
Grace S., Golden Gate University School of Law, Class of 2013
"Helped level expectations and prepare for the worst. It was challenging and law preview helped provide a basis for getting through it successfully."
Alyssa A., Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Class of 2024
"At the end of my 1L year I was ranked in the Top 1% of my class and was invited to serve on the Florida Law Review. I attribute my success wholly to Law Preview. It gave me the tools to succeed from the very beginning while others were still focusing on getting their feet on the ground. I truly felt like I knew what I was doing throughout the whole year."
Caitlin O., University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law, Class of 2022
"I would absolutely suggest Law Preview to any student about to enter law school, especially if you are looking to end your 1L year at the top of your class. When all of my classmates were confused on how to study for class, prepare outlines, or write exam answers, Law Preview was my guide. I felt comfortable and prepared going into exam time, and without Law Preview, I know this could NOT have been possible. Law Preview gave me a huge advantage over other students in my class. Further, I was able to have in-depth analysis and discussions with professors about our case material since I had already encountered it during Law Preview. I owe my successful 1L year, and a shot at transferring to a top-25 law school, to Don and the distinguished professors at the program. Law Preview is the best preparation any student could do before entering law school. Thank you!!! [Ranked #4 out of 126 students after the 1L year]."
Anonymous, Northern Illinois University College of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview laid the foundation for my study routine. Coupled with Barbri Mastery, I tried to adhere as closely as possible to Don’s schedule for reading, briefing, etc. Demystifying 1L was immensely helpful and I encountered many of the cases I read during Law Preview. It goes without saying that reading cases in advance is tremendously beneficial. Moreover, having a concrete process for briefing allowed me to hit the ground running for the first semester."
Anonymous, Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2024
"I finished my first semester with a 3.74 GPA and near the top of my class, and I wholeheartedly believe that Law Preview provided the foundation which I continued to rely and build on over the entire semester. I highly recommend the course to anyone contemplating attending law school!"
Daniel B., University of Massachusetts School of Law Dartmouth, Class of 2022 (transferred to Boston College Law School)
"Starting law school is a daunting task especially when they barrage you with enormous amount of new information. Law Preview was like CliffNotes for law school. It helped me to set my bearing and rest in the fact that unlike so many of my classmates, law school classes were not the first time I heard the new terms like promissory estoppel. Having a head start definitely put me at an advantage. I would definitely recommend it to any rising 1Ls."
Yon S., SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview provided me an outstanding overview of my 1L curriculum and allowed me to grasp the big picture of each course far earlier than I would have otherwise. The professors were really helpful and covered some of the most fundamental and hard to grasp topics in 1L courses, which I really appreciated when they came up the second time around and I was already well-prepared to deal with them. Thanks to Law Preview’s overview, from the moment that classes started I knew how to manage my time, which proved invaluable when reading period began and I was ready to invoke Law Preview’s exam preparation strategies right on schedule. By having a firm background on the basics, I was also able to make time to get a head start on the 1L summer job hunt, which allowed me to secure a position with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York, my first choice job. I would definitely recommend this class to any incoming law student! Thank you for an outstanding class."
Corey B., Harvard Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview really prepared me for the the rigors of my first semester of law school. Not only was I presented with an excellent overview of the main topics covered during my first year, I was also presented with a realistic view of the workload and what it would truly take to be a successful 1L student. Law Preview really reduced the anxiety I had about law school and I feel that the class enabled me to maintain a cool head during the more stressful points in my fall semester. I attribute much of my successful first semester to this class."
Meredith G., Seton Hall University School of Law, Class of 2021
"BARBRI’s Law Preview course was an amazing program! It was great to have an overview of each of the courses and major cases before classes started. I was terrified before starting law school that I wouldn’t do well, and I ended up ranking 1st in my section, 2nd in my class, and I transferred to Boston University School of Law! This program is definitely worth taking. The professors are amazing, and the exam preparation is extremely helpful! I recommended this course to everyone I knew starting law school."
Sophia O., Suffolk University School of Law (transferred to Boston Univ. School of Law), Class of 2022
"Law preview gave a nice introduction to the rigors of law school. Students can ease their anxiety by gaining a clearer picture of what will be required of them on a daily basis."
Anonymous, University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2012
"Helped prepare me in a way that I didn’t even know I needed. There’s no way to be 100% prepared for law school, but Barbri gets you as close as you can possible get."
Anonymous, Temple University School of Law, Class of 2022
"I thought I came in with substantially less nerves about case briefing than many of my classmates. This made the adjustment to law school far easier than I anticipated [3.77 GPA after fall semester]."
Anonymous, Vanderbilt University School of Law, 2022
"It made me more confident in the material and briefing in the beginning, and the review videos were a great review for the final. I definitely tried to work to the BARBRI time schedule as well to devote that many hours to school work."
Anonymous, Boston University School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview really helped ease the transition into law school. Less confusion. I felt like a 2L compared to several of my fellow students."
Francis M., Boston College Law School, Class of 2013
"If it wasn’t for Law Preview my first semester would have been disastrous. It was a bear, but because of Law Preview, I was able to feel comfortable in the knowledge that I was prepared. And it worked! My first semester ended with a 3.80 GPA."
Ameena L., Mitchell-Hamline School of Law, Class of 2024
"I thank Law Preview for setting me up for success! It gave me the perfect preview for what my schedule would be, in terms of reading, briefing, etc. for the semester and prepared me to my best! I went in knowing how to brief which was my greatest asset! I ranked number 7 out of my class of 271 with a 3.93 GPA and made Dean’s List. None of that would have been possible without my week of Law Preview!"
Anonymous, UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 2022
"From the very first day of class I felt ahead of the learning curve as far as preparation and study habits goes. The tips from Law Preview were very helpful in establishing a good base for finals preparation and it really showed when exam period came around."
Louis S., Texas A&M University School of Law (formerly Texas Wesleyan University School of Law), Class of 2011