Law Student Personality Type: The Gunner

What’s Your Law School Personality?

Are you The Gunner, The Common Law Student or The Slacker? Take our Law School Personality Quiz to find out how you’ll match up against your 1L competition.

Who Is The Gunner?

The Gunner is the type of law student that aims for straight A’s. If they get to pick their seat, it’s most likely at the front of the class. If they know the answer to a question (which they almost always do) their hand is the first one to go up.

Gunners have the will to succeed in law school, and anyone in their way is probably going down.

The Gunner’s Strengths

Gunners have one goal: to get to the top.

That doesn’t just mean the top of the class, it means making it onto Law Review and earning all other academic honors available at their law school. And how do they do that? By creating a routine that works and sticking to it (down to the minute).

The Gunner’s skills come in handy during law school, as they are able to manage their time wisely (a key component to law school success) while staying a few steps ahead of their fellow classmates at all times.

The Gunner walks into law school with a game plan for success and knows how to get outstanding grades. That confidence is what pushes them to the top of the class.

The Gunner’s Weaknesses

Although The Gunner would like to believe they don’t have any weaknesses, (or that their weaknesses are their strengths) they are sadly mistaken.

Gunners. Do. Not. Stop.

They’ve got their final exam flashcards finished so early that you wonder if they have the ability to function without sleep. And you know what… they just might.

As it turns out, The Gunner’s biggest weakness is themselves.

One of the trickiest parts of the first year of law school is that it’s just as easy to burn out as it is to fall behind. The key to The Gunner’s success is a solid routine and study strategy that steers clear of the imminent warning signs of 1L burnout.

Another weakness of The Gunner is the risk of pushing fellow classmates away. Yes, law school is a race to the top of the 1L class, but that doesn’t mean getting there by climbing over the backs of your classmates.  The relationships you form in law school matter (a lot!).

The truth is that your law school tuition dollars not only pay for access to lectures from prominent law professors, but also fund your access to a network of future professionals (your classmates!).

You are building your professional reputation from the very first day of law school orientation and your classmates will be people who you will practice with, against or, in many cases, be in a position to refer clients.

The first year of law school requires The Gunner to excel academically while also making a good impression on their competition. With such fierce competition for top 1L grades, this can be a fine line to navigate.

Just remember, your future career requires that people like and respect you.

Years after graduation, when a client pitch or lateral job offer depends on a former classmate’s endorsement (which it will), you want them to remember you fondly as someone they can trust recommending to their network.

Law Preview (A.K.A, The Gunner’s Best Friend)

At Law Preview, we have one goal: to teach incoming 1L students the skills they need to get to the top before their first day of law school. That means starting your 1L year with a game plan for success that includes a working knowledge of the legal theories that repeat in each course, as well as the study and exam-taking skills needed to truly excel.

Here’s what you’ll learn by taking Law Preview:

  • An overview of core 1L material (torts, contracts, criminal law, property, and more)
  • Case briefing and case law analysis
  • Proven exam-writing strategies
  • How to take winning notes in law school and create outstanding outlines
  • Academic success skills like time management, research techniques and more
  • Legal writing, research, and oral argument

So, what are you waiting for? Oh wait, you’re a Gunner and probably already signed up for Law Preview! If not, save $100 on Law Preview Courses with code: PQUIZ100.

Here’s What Other Gunners Said About Law Preview

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